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Partner Profile

Interface, Inc.
Location Atlanta, GA
Organization Type Clothing & Textile
Percentage Green Power 101%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Awards/Recognition Founding Green Power Partner, Green Power Leadership Award 2004
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
Interface is a worldwide leader in design, production and sales of modular carpet. The company has committed itself to Mission Zero", a promise to eliminate any negative impact it may have on the environment by 2020. Interface's multi-faceted systems approach to achieving sustainability began in 1994 and includes the implementation of new technologies and process improvements to maximize efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources, and the elimination of waste and harmful emissions. Interface's Mission Zero promise includes the commitment to meet 100 percent of its global energy needs from renewable sources by 2020. Interface's green power portfolio includes green power purchases from wind farms and low-impact hydro projects, on-site solar PV, on-site landfill gas, and the purchase of certified renewable energy certificates from wind farms and biomass facilities. As part of this commitment, Interface is a founding Green Power Partner, an ongoing member of the Green Power Leadership Club, and a founding member of the World Resource Institute's Green Power Market Development Group. The company received a Green Power Leadership Award in 2004, won an LMOP Energy Partner of the Year Award in 2005, and won a Lone Star Award for Green Energy in 2003.

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