../plan.css"> The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission



The Commission offers specialized and in depth training services through its Revolving Fund. In 1992, Congress passed the EEOC Education, Technical Assistance and Training Revolving Fund Act (P.L. 102-411) as the vehicle through which the Commission would develop and deliver comprehensive and specialized external education, technical assistance and training relating to the laws it enforces. This authority permits the EEOC to charge a fee for the costs associated with the delivery of Revolving Fund programs. Programs offered through the Revolving Fund augment those activities that are provided to the public free of charge.

GPRA Measures


Promote Equal Opportunity in Employment Through Education and Technical Assistance.

Strategic Objective 2.1.

Encourage and facilitate voluntary compliance with equal employment opportunity laws among employers and employer groups in the private and federal sectors.

STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002
NO. Target Results Target Results Target Target
This Revolving Fund measure is part of the Commission's Outreach activities-see Section III, Prevention of Employment Discrimination.
2.1.5. The number of Revolving Fund activities conducted for private sector and federal sector employers. 75 292 175 296 275 275

Program Highlights

During fiscal year 2002, EEOC will continue to develop and disseminate new and improved training and technical assistance programs, products and services of high professional quality. For example, by the beginning of 2002, the agency will have completed an initiative designed to provide additional specialized instruction on training design and delivery techniques to all involved field staff to even further enhance the creativity and quality of the instruction provided by EEOC in its Technical Assistance Program Seminars (TAPS), courses, and customer specific training (CST). As in prior years, the EEOC will provide a wide variety of one and half day TAPS for private and federal employers in diverse geographical locations and schedule numerous one day to one week courses on EEO counseling, investigations and other topics for federal employees nationally. In fiscal year 2002, we will conduct 275 Revolving Fund activities, including 50 TAPS events, for private and federal sector employers. We also will provide training for individual employers at their facilities, upon request and as resources are available.

EEOC is exploring convenient, low cost web-based training programs on a variety of EEO topics for private and federal employees, enabling businesses, both small and large, to educate all its employees on equal employment opportunity. We also plan to produce a CD ROM version of our popular seven volume series of technical assistance manuals, currently available in hard copy and audio (for the visually impaired).

The agency plans to offer at least two new courses in 2002, including an introduction to mediation as well as a more in-depth seminar on mediation skills development. We also plan to add the second volume to our EEOC Essential Guide Series, introducing a practical EEO handbook prepared for supervisors, managers and human resource professionals.

We will continue to implement program enhancements, operational efficiencies and customer service improvements in 2002. Most noteworthy, will be the complete centralization of all registration and collection activities, thereby improving customer service and expediting billing and collections. We will implement additional improvements in financial management practices, tracking and reporting during fiscal year 2002. We anticipate that the program enhancements will result in 90% of participants rating the overall quality of each TAPS seminar as acceptable or better.

Program Financing Schedules

EEOC Education, Technical Assistance, and Training Revolving Fund
(Dollar amounts in thousands)
Fiscal year 2000
Fiscal year 2001
Fiscal year 2002
Total Obligations 2,770 2,918 3,300
Offsetting collections from:
Federal Funds 819 658 790
Non-Federal sources 1,783 2,304 2,535
Recoveries 0 75 10
Orders on hand from Federal sources 0 0 0
Unobligated balance, start of year 2,402 2,174 2,293
Unobligated balance transferred(recission) 0 0 0
Unobligated balance, end of year*** 2,174 2,293 2,328
Budget Authority 0 0 0
FTE 6 11* 17**

*Includes 10 FTE for staff assigned to Headquarters Revolving Fund and 1 FTE to the Office of Federal Operations for Revolving Fund functions.

**Includes 11 FTE for staff assigned to Headquarters Revolving Fund, 1 FTE to Office of Federal Operations for Revolving Fund functions and 5 FTE for field staff performing Revolving Fund functions.

***The Revolving Fund must maintain from the unobligated balance at the end of each fiscal year, monies to cover anticipated expenses for over half of the next fiscal year until new revenues are received -beginning in approximately May (e.g., pay for hotels, printing, other contractual obligations, and the Revolving Fund staff salaries and benefits) and to develop new products and enhance existing products and services.

Object Class Schedule

EEOC Education, Technical Assistance, and Training Revolving Fund
(Dollar amounts in thousands)
OBJECT CLASS Fiscal year 2000
Fiscal year 2001
Fiscal year 2002
11.1 Personnel Compensation 649 880 1,001
12.1 Civilian Personnel Benefits 63 75 99
21.0 Travel and Transportation of Persons 220 200 220
22.0 Transportation of Things 0 0 0
23.1 Other Rent/Communications 429 380 410
24.0 Printing and Reproduction 356 305 300
25.0 Other Services 968 1,002 1,189
26.0 Supplies and Materials 69 61 66
31.0 Equipment 16 15 15
TOTAL OBLIGATIONS 2,770 2,918 3,300

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This page was last modified on May 3, 2001.

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