../plan.css"> The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Program Evaluations

5. Quality Peer Review

The agency developed its Quality Peer Review program as a tool to enhance its services to the public by assuring quality work and communicating best practices throughout the agency. (See measure 3.1.4. and the accompanying discussion of QPR).

By the end of fiscal year 2001, the Commission will have piloted its Quality Peer Review (QPR) program covering outreach, education and technical assistance activities and initial contact/intake functions. The pilot will achieve four basic results: establish objective, measurable standards linked to implementation of the Commission's Comprehensive Enforcement Program (CEP); establish techniques to identify best practices; develop methods to share best practices throughout the agency to improve the implementation of the CEP; and foster a climate of continuous improvement in its private sector enforcement program.

During fiscal year 2002, the agency anticipates implementing in several offices the outreach and initial contact components developed to date, evaluating the results obtained, and adjusting the program for further implementation in subsequent fiscal years.

6. Components of Other Program Evaluations

The agency conducts components of evaluation activities that contribute information to inform management on the effectiveness of programs in the following two areas addressed in the agency's Strategic Plan:

Prevention Programs

The EEOC takes the following steps to assess its outreach, education and technical assistance programs for employers, employees and stakeholder groups:


The Commission uses several mechanisms to guide its training programs and activities:

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This page was last modified on May 3, 2001.

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