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Malawian Flag
Girls at Children in the Wilderness Camp (Photo by: Amanda Joynt, Children in the Wilderness) Girl at Kamuzu Central Hospital with a baby on her back (Photo by: Anna Sparks) Young boy at Ekwendeni AIDS Support Organization (Photo by: Anna Sparks) Woman carrying grain on her head (Photo by: Ephraim Mazizwa and Gift Livata, Opportunity International Bank of Malawi ) Two boys at Children in the Wilderness Camp (Photo by: Amanda Joynt, Children in the Wilderness)
Map of Malawi

About Malawi

Established in 1891, the British protectorate of Nyasaland became the independent nation of Malawi in 1964. After three decades of one-party rule under "life-president" President Hastings Kamuzu Banda the country held multiparty elections in 1994. Read more about Malawi's History...

Area: 118,484 sq. km. (45,747 sq. mi.); land the size of Pennsylvania, with a lake the size of Vermont.
Capital: Lilongwe.
Terrain: Plateaus, highlands, and valleys. Lake Malawi comprises about 20% of total area.
Climate: Predominately subtropical.

Population: 12.1 million. (2005 estimate)
Annual growth rate: 2.06%. (2005 estimate)
Ethnic groups: Chewa, Nyanja, Tumbuka, Yao, Lomwe, Sena, Tonga, Ngoni, Ngonde, Asian, European.
Religions: Protestant 55%, Roman Catholic 20%, Muslim 20%, indigenous beliefs 3%, other 2%.
Languages: English (official), Chichewa (official), regional dialects.
Education: No compulsory education. Primary school attendance rate is approximately 79%. Literacy rate is 63%. Read more about education in Malawi...
Health: Infant mortality rate is 103.32 deaths/1,000 live births. Life expectancy is 41.43 yrs. Read more about health in Malawi...

Type: Multi-party democracy.
Independence: July 6, 1964.
Constitution: May 18, 1995.
Political parties: Democratic Progressive Party (DPP, ruling party) United Democratic Front (UDF), Malawi Congress Party (MCP), Alliance for Democracy (AFORD), New Republican Party (NRP), National Democratic Alliance (NDA), People’s Progressive Movement (PPM), People’s Transformation Party (PETRA), and Congress for National Unity (CONU). MCP and UDF are the two main opposition parties in parliament.
Suffrage: Universal at 18 years of age.
Central government budget for 2005/06: $991.6 million (MK 119 billion).

GDP: $1.87 billion. (2005 est.)
Per capita GNI (2005 est.): Approx. $150.90.
Natural resources: Limestone, uranium (potential), coal, bauxite, phosphates, graphite, granite, black granite, vermilite, aquamarine, tourmaline, rubies, sapphires, rare earths.
Agriculture (approx. 38.6% of GDP): Products--tobacco, sugar, cotton, tea, corn, potatoes, cassava (tapioca), sorghum, coffee, rice, groundnuts. Arable land--34%, of which 86% is cultivated.
Industry (16% of GDP): Types--tea, tobacco, sugar, sawmill products, cement, consumer goods.

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International Address

NICO House
P.O. Box 30455
Lilongwe 3

Tel: +265-1-772-455

Fax: +265-1-773-181

Email: Webmaster

2280 Lilongwe Place
Washington, DC 20521