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Girls at Children in the Wilderness Camp (Photo by: Amanda Joynt, Children in the Wilderness) Girl at Kamuzu Central Hospital with a baby on her back (Photo by: Anna Sparks) Young boy at Ekwendeni AIDS Support Organization (Photo by: Anna Sparks) Woman carrying grain on her head (Photo by: Ephraim Mazizwa and Gift Livata, Opportunity International Bank of Malawi ) Two boys at Children in the Wilderness Camp (Photo by: Amanda Joynt, Children in the Wilderness)

Fish Help Malawian Man Support His Family
Osman Mohammed (Photo: Levi Manda)

In 1999, Osman Mohammed and ten other community members introduced fish farming into their area with support from USAID/Malawi’s COMPASS Project. Since then, Osman has increased the number of ponds he owns to five and has become a successful commercial fish farmer.

Osman’s five fish ponds are integrated with irrigated vegetables, fruit trees and sugarcane. He uses the drainage water from fish ponds to irrigate his crops, which also enriches soil fertility. Surplus vegetables and corn husks are used to feed the fish.

Osman supports his own family, his 7 sisters and brothers and their families, plus 4 grandchildren and manages to pay fees for his children at good schools. In 2005, the five fish ponds provided Osman and family with an income of $1339 from a total harvest of 950 kilograms of fish, which greatly exceeds many Malawian families who live on less than $1 per day.

Because of the income Osman generates from selling fruit, vegetables and fish, he is one of the wealthiest members of his rural community. Many rural households in Malawi this year are facing severe food shortages. However, if the resource management practices used by Osman were more widely adopted, food insecurity could be significantly reduced in rural Malawi.

COMPASS and the World Fish Center Southern Africa regional office in Malawi are developing a Malawi Gold Standard set of best aquaculture practices to promote more widespread adoption of successes such as that of Mr. Mohammed. Osman credits his success to hard work and the technical assistance that he and his colleagues received so far from USAID/COMPASS, the World Fish Center, and the Department of Fisheries National Aquaculture Centre.

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One of the five fish ponds (Photo: Levi Manda)
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