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NRMRL and OW Sponsor Water Infrastructure Workshop

In many communities across the United States, the drinking water and wastewater infrastructure is aged and failing. As part of EPA's continuing effort to address infrastructure issues, the National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) and the Office of Water (OW) sponsored a workshop titled "The Fundamentals of Asset Management: A Hands On Approach," August 21–22, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Attendees from NRMRL Region 5 and local utilities were trained to better manage infrastructure issues. Trainers from EPA and the GHD Group used hypothetical situations to demonstrate best practices for real-world scenarios, with a focus on advanced asset management for addressing problems at water pump stations.

Dr. Gray Addresses Fifth Annual Drinking Water Workshop

George Gray addressing Fifth Annual Drinking Water Workshop
From August 5–7, NRMRL hosted the Fifth Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop on Treatment and Distribution System Compliance Challenges in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Dr. George Gray, Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD), spoke about the importance of collaboration between “front line decision-makers” in addressing current and future environmental challenges. Dr. Gray outlined several NRMRL programs with significant roles in ORD’s mission to protect human health, including arsenic treatment technology demonstrations and research into aging water infrastructure. Attendees were urged to “take that next step into implementation” because “research is only helpful if we can get the results to the people that will use them.”

Over 180 participants attended the workshop, including personnel from 39 state drinking water agencies. Participants received training on various solutions and strategies for complying with drinking water regulations. Discussion topics encompassed uranium, radium, arsenic, corrosion, nitrification, residual disposal, and treatment costs.

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Sally Gutierrez Participates in Hispanic Conference

NRMRL Director Sally Gutierrez participated in EPA’s first Beyond Translation Forum on September 15 in Washington, D.C. The event, titled “EPA and the Hispanic Community: Partnering, Engaging, & Building Awareness,” was part of a continuing effort to effectively engage the Hispanic community as a partner in environmental stewardship. The forum explored career and networking opportunities, outreach strategies, and environmental priorities affecting Spanish-speaking communities (indoor/outdoor air issues, pesticides and toxics, etc.). Gutierrez participated in a discussion session titled “Promoting Higher Education and Careers in Science, Technology, and the Environment.”

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NRMRL Appoints New Deputy Director for Management

EPA’s Dr. Andrew Gillespie has been appointed as NRMRL’s new Deputy Director for Management. Dr. Gillespie comes to NRMRL with extensive research and scientific management experience. From 1989–2004, Andy served in a variety of research and leadership positions in the research branch of the USDA Forest Service, including tours in Colorado, Puerto Rico, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. Since 2004, he has served as Director of the National Center for Environmental Assessment’s Cincinnati office. He is also a graduate of EPA’s 2002 Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program.

Dr. Gillespie is recognized both nationally and internationally as a leader, innovator, advisor, and expert in forest ecosystem inventory and monitoring.

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Research Highlight from Sally Gutierrez

NRMRL develops scientific knowledge and technologies to reduce and prevent pollution, and restore ecosystems. NRMRL efforts focus on seven core research areas: drinking water protection, air pollution control, pollution prevention, remediation of contaminated sites, watershed management and protection, environmental technology verification, and technology and technical support.

NRMRL Director Sally Gutierrez recently traveled to Argentina to share NRMRL’s research efforts internationally. Gutierrez provided an overview of ongoing drinking water research to the Inter-American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. She also led seminars at the Instituto do Recursos Hidricos do la Universidad Nacional in Cordova, and the National Technical University in Buenos Aires. She provided faculty and students a look at the latest technologies being developed for controlling arsenic in drinking water.

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Arsenic Removal Paper is 9th Most Viewed

“Optimizing Arsenic Removal During Iron Removal: Theoretical and Practical Considerations," by Tom Sorg and Darren Lytle, is the 9th most viewed paper between 2004 and 2006 in the Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – Aqua. Both NRMRL scientists work in the Water Supply and Water Resources Division.

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NRMRL Employees in Action
Dr. Subhas K. Sikdar, NRMRL Associate Director for Science, was selected as the first Sustainable Engineering Forum (SEF) Research Excellence Awardee for his leadership in the sustainability community around the world. The award was created to recognize an individual for significant technical contributions to the advancement of sustainable engineering. SEF, a subdivision of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), will hold the award ceremony on November 19 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Sikdar is the founding Chair of SEF, and currently is the Chair of AIChE's Institute for Sustainability.
Dr. Jorge Santo Domingo presented “Microbial Forensics and Environmental Monitoring of Fecal Pollution: From Phylogenetics to Metagenomics” at the American Society for Microbiology’s 107th General Meeting, May 21–25 in Toronto, Canada. The meeting is the largest annual gathering of microbiologists in the world.
Dr. Doris Betancourt was interviewed by one of the main Puerto Rican newspapers, El Nuevo Dia, to discuss her research and years of service with EPA. The interview stemmed from ORD’s Spanish Access to Science Initiative. The Hispanic outreach initiative seeks to show EPA’s work to the Hispanic community via Spanish languages and media outlets. The program allows Hispanics in the United States and abroad to see Hispanic role models working for a better environment and human health.
Dr. Heriberto Cabezas, chief of the Sustainable Environments Branch, was honored with the 2007 New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) Alumni Achievement Award on Saturday, June 16. Dr. Cabezas was one of the five recipients of the award. The annual award honors a select group of distinguished alums for their professional achievement.
Craig L. Patterson of NRMRL’s Water Supply and Water Resources Division was awarded the Trudy A. Speciner Non-Supervisory Award for Advancing Environmental Protection. The award honors non-supervisory professional employees distinguished by unusual analytical ability, creativity and judgment, or the exceptional ability to work well with other staff.
Daniel J. Murray presented "Innovation and Research for Water Infrastructure in the 21st Century: U.S. EPA's Research Plans For Gravity Sewers" at the Water Environment Federation's 2007 Collection Systems Conference in Portland, Oregon. The paper, presented in May, outlined EPA's program aimed at reducing the cost and improving the effectiveness of drinking water and wastewater management systems. The program will assist utilities to more effectively implement comprehensive asset management, provide reliable service to their customers, and meet their Clean Water Act goals.

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See Also

NRMRL Research Highlights


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