Grand Tetons

Grand Tetons National Park is located just south of Yellowstone. Whereas Yellowstone became a America's first national park in 1872, Grand Teton did not become established until 1929. However, the early Tetons park encompassed basically only the mountain front. The local growing ranch community initially resisted development of the park area. However, starting in the 1920's, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. began a land company to organize and purchase much of Jackson Hole valley in preparation of expanding the park. Franklin Roosevelt in 1943 then established Jackson Hole National Monument. Congress established the expanded Grand Teton National Park in 1950.

Note the extent of glacier cover down the valley on the east face of Grand Teton. Do these glaciers still exist today? During the glaciation stages of the Quaternary, mountain glaciers extend all the way down into Jackson Hole valley.

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