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Castle Rock State Park

(San Francisco Bay Region 3D image tour)

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CastleRock.jpg - This jumble of boulders and oak trees is located along the Castle Rock trail that starts near the state park office parking area. Amassive sandstone of Tertiary age (Oligocene) Vaqueros, Sandstone Formation crop out along Skyline Ridge throughout much of the central Santa Cruz Mountains.

CastleRock CastleRock2.jpg - Goat Rock displays typical "tafoni"-style weathering of the Vaqueros Sandstone cliffs along Skyline Ridge in Castle Rock State Park.
CastleRock CastleRock3.jpg - Another example of tafoni-style weathering of an outcrop of Vaqueros Sandstone in Castle Rock State Park.
CastleRock CastleRock4.jpg - More tafoni-style weathering of Vaqueros Sandstone.
CastleRock5.jpg - The western flank of Skyline Ridge is warmer and dryer and is host to a chaparral ecosystem, unlike the redwood and pine-dominated eastern flank of Skyline Ridge located in Sanborn County Park.

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