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Democracy & Governance Strategic Objective Title
  Enhanced Citizens’ Participation in Economic and Political Decision Making
Democracy & Governance Funding and Duration
  US$30 million over 5 years
Democracy & Governance Implementation Status
  Third Year of Implementation

Enhanced Citizens' Participation


The strategy is premised on the need to increase the competition of ideas in the political and economic governance of Zimbabwe.  Because more effective dialogue between citizens, and the government is needed, this program supports government institutions and citizens’ groups.

The “Participation” objective helps Zimbabwean citizens enhance their capacity to participate in national and local decision making through a two-pronged approach of:

  • Increasing the ability of citizens’ groups to represent their interests to Parliament and local authorities, and

  • Enhancing the capacity of selected Government institutions (e.g.,Parliament of Zimbabwe, local authorities, land reform institutions) in receiving and considering citizens’ interests in their decision and programs.

Activity Profile

Zimbabwe Democracy Strengthening

This activity is implemented in partnership with Zimbabwean civil society organizations (CSOs).  It assists them to conduct more effective advocacy efforts with Parliament on behalf of their members’ interests.  More than ten CSOs are benefiting under this activity and include a wide range of groups, including business associations, child/gender advocacy groups, and church-related groups.

Zimbabwe Parliamentary Strengthening

To help develop more effective and accessible government institutions, we are helping the Parliament of Zimbabwe implement the recommendations of the Parliamentary Reform Committee’s Report as agreed by Parliament in 1998.  The three areas of reform that we are supporting are:

  • Strengthening the committee system;

  • Improving the legislative process; and

  • Increasing interaction with civil society.

Local Governance Program

The Local Governance Program (LGP) facilitates dialogue between local authorities (i.e., municipalities, town councils and rural district councils) and citizens. Lessons from a pilot activity conducted between 2001 and 2002 informed the design and implementation of the LGP, which started in January 2003, and is scheduled to run until September 2005.


Institutional beneficiaries are Zimbabwean civil society organizations, the Parliament of Zimbabwe and local authorities.  As each improves its ability to better receive and consider the ideas of Zimbabwean citizens, the country will benefit from more responsive and accountable government institutions.  At the same time, CSOs will become more representative and better able to represent their member interests.

Local Partners

The local partners for this program are:  Parliament of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwean CSOs and selected local authorities.

Implementation Partners

Three US institutions based in Zimbabwe, State University of New York (Albany), Pact, Inc., and the Urban Institute have signed agreements to manage the technical inputs supporting the strategic objective. 

Requests for Applications (RFAs) are publicly issued for proposals from Zimbabwean CSOs.  Small grants are issued to successful applicants.  Grantees can also draw on the technical support of PACT Inc. on advocacy strategies, management, etc.

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