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USGS Inorganic Blind Sample Project (IBSP)

NWQL Control Charts for Fiscal Year 2005 and 2006 Analytes

Notes: All charts are complete, but data are subject to revision. To get a full-page chart, set your browser to print in landscape.
NWQL Charts
Nutrients Parameter Lab Code
Nitrate plus Nitrite as N, Fil 00631 E 1975
Nitrate plus Nitrite as N, Fil, Acidified 00631 F 1990
Nitrate plus Nitrite as N, Fil, Low-level 00631 G 1979
Nitrogen (NH3 as N), Fil 00608 F 1976
Nitrogen (NH3 as N), Fil, Low-level 00608 H 1980
Nitrogen (NH3 as N), WWR, Acidified 00610 E 2188
Nitrogen (NH3+org N as N), Fil, Kjeldahl 00623 D 1985
Nitrogen (NH3+org N as N), Fil, Acidified, Kjeldahl
(See labcode 1985)
00623 E 1994
Nitrogen (NH3+org N as N), WWR, Acidified, Kjeldahl 00625 D 1986
Nitrogen (NH3+NO3+NO2+org N as N), Fil, Alk. persulfate 62854 A 2754
Nitrogen (NH3+NO3+NO2+org N as N), WWR, Acidified, Alk. persulfate 62855 A 2756
Orthophosphate as P, Fil, 00671 H 1974
Orthophosphate as P, Fil, Low-level 00671 I 1978
Phosphorus (total) as P, Fil, Acidified, Acid persulfate, Low-level 00666 H 2332
Phosphorus (total) as P, Fil, Alk. persulfate 00666 I 2757
Phosphorus (total) as P, Fil, Kjeldahl 00666 D 1983
Phosphorus (total) as P, Fil, Acidified, Alk. persulfate 00666 J 2758
Phosphorus (total) as P, Fil, Acid persulfate, Low-level 00666 G 2331
Phosphorus (total) as P, WWR, Acidified, Kjeldahl 00665 D 1984
Phosphorus (total) as P, WWR, Acidified, Acid persulfate, Low-level 00665 G 2333
Phosphorus (total) as P, WWR, Acidified, Alk. persulfate 00665 H 2759
Inorganics / Physical properties
Alkalinity (Fil) 29801 A 2109
Alkalinity (WWR, acid-neutralizing) 90410 A 0070
Aluminum (Fil, ICP-MS) 01106 G 1784
Aluminum (WWR, ICP-MS) 01105 E 2372
Antimony (Fil, ICP-MS) 01095 G 1785
Arsenic (Fil, GFAA)
(This method no longer offered at the NWQL)
01000 C 2160
Arsenic (Fil, ICP-MS) 01000 D 2503
Arsenic (Fil, ICP-MS [collision cell])-----NEW----- 01000 H 3122
Arsenic (WWR, GFAA)
This method no longer offered at the NWQL
01002 E 2162
Arsenic (WWR, ICP-MS [collision cell])-----NEW----- 01002 H 3123
Arsenic Speciation --Arsenite [As(III)] in org. Matrix (Fil, ICP-MS)
62452 B 2734
Arsenic Speciation -- Arsenate [As(V)] in org. Matrix (Fil, ICP-MS)
62453 B 2735
Arsenic Speciation -- Arsenite [As(III)] (Fil, ICP-MS)
62452 C 2744
Arsenic Speciation -- Arsenate [As(V)] (Fil, ICP-MS)
62453 C 2745
Arsenic Speciation -- Dimethylarsinate (Fil, ICP-MS)
62455 B 2737
Arsenic Speciation -- Monomethylarsonate (Fil, ICP-MS)
62454 B 2736
Barium (Fil, ICP) 01005 C 0641
Barium (Fil, ICP-MS) 01005 G 1786
Barium (WWR, ICP) 01007 C 2352
Barium (WWR, ICP-MS) 01007 D 2374
Beryllium (Fil, ICP)
This method is no longer monitoted starting FY06
01010 B 0655
Beryllium (Fil, ICP-MS) 01010 G 1787
Beryllium (WWR, ICP-MS) 01012 D 2375
Boron (Fil, ICP) 01020 F 2110
Boron (Fil, ICP-MS) 01020 G 2504
Boron (WWR, ICP-MS)-----NEW----- 01022 D 2501
Cadmium (Fil, ICP)
This method is no longer monitored starting FY06
01025 D 0673
Cadmium (Fil, ICP-MS) 01025 G 1788
Cadmium (WWR, GFAA)
This method is no longer offered at the NWQL
01027 F 1555
Cadmium (WWR, ICP-MS) 01027 I 2376
Calcium (Fil, ICP) 00915 D 0659
Chloride (Fil, IC, Low-level) 00940 I 1259
Chloride (Fil, IC) 00940 J 1571
Chromium (Fil, ICP) 01030 E 0722
Chromium (Fil, GFAA)
This method is no longer offered at the NWQL
01030 I 1936
Chromium (Fil, ICP-MS[collision cell])-----NEW----- 01030 J 3126
Chromium (WWR, GFAA)
This method is no longer offered at the NWQL
01034 E 1937
Chromium (WWR, ICP-MS [collision cell])-----NEW----- 01034 I 3127
Cobalt (Fil, ICP)
This method no longer monitored starting FY06
01035 C 0644
Cobalt (Fil, ICP-MS)
Method no longer offered by the NWQL
01035 G 1790
Cobalt (Fil, ICP-MS, [collision cell])-----NEW----- 01035 I 3124
Cobalt (WWR, ICP-MS, [collision cell])-----NEW----- 01037 I 3125
Copper (WWR, ICP-MS) 01042 H 2379
Copper (Fil, ICP)
This method is no longer monitored starting FY06
01040 C 0657
Copper (Fil, ICP-MS) 01040 G 1791
Copper (Fil, ICP-MS, [collision cell]) -----NEW----- 01040 I 3128
Copper (WWR, GFAA)
This method is no longer offered at the NWQL
01042 F 1559
Copper (WWR, ICP-MS, [collision cell])-----NEW----- 01042 I 3129
Fluoride (Fil, ISE) 00950 B 0031
Iron (Fil, ICP) 01046 D 0645
Iron (WWR, ICP) 01045 C 2359
Lead (Fil, ICP-MS) 01049 G 1792
Lead (WWR, GFAA)
This method isno longer offered at the NWQL
01051 F 1561
Lead (WWR, ICP-MS) 01051 I 2380
Lithium (Fil, ICP) 01130 B 0664
Lithium (Fil, ICP-MS) 01130 C 2505
Magnesium (Fil, ICP) 00925 C 0663
Manganese (Fil, ICP) 01056 C 0648
Manganese (Fil, ICP-MS) 01056 G 1793
Manganese (WWR, ICP) 01055 D 2363
Manganese (WWR, ICP-MS) 01055 C 2382
Mercury (Fil, AF) 71890 C 2707
Mercury (WWR, AF) 71900 D 2708
Molybdenum (Fil, ICP-MS) 01060 G 1794
Molybdenum (WWR, ICP-MS)-----NEW----- 01062 D 2383
Nickel (Fil, ICP)
THis method is no longer monitored starting FY06
01065 E 0721
Nickel (Fil, ICP-MS) 01065 G 1795
Nickel (Fil, ICP-MS, [collision cell])-----NEW----- 01065 I 3130
Nickel (WWR, ICP-MS) 01067 I 2384
Nickel (WWR, ICP-MS [collision cell])-----NEW----- 01067 J 3131
Potassium (Fil, ICP) 00935 C 2773
Potassium (Fil, ICP, Low-level) 00935 D 2774
ROE @180 deg C (Fil, Grav) 70300 A 0027
ROE @105 deg C (WWR, Grav) 00500 A 0165
Selenium, (FIL, GFAA)
This method is no longer offered at the NWQL
01145 B 2161
Selenium, (FIL, ICP-MS) 01145 C 2506
Selenium, (FIL, ICP-MS [collision cell])-----NEW----- 01145 G 3132
Selenium, (WWR, GFAA)
This method is no longer offered at the NWQL
01147 D 2163
Selenium, (WWR, ICP-MS) 01147 E 2385
Selenium, (WWR, ICP-MS [collision cell])-----NEW----- 01147 G 3133
Silica (Fil, COL) 00955 C 0056
Silica (Fil, ICP) 00955 D 0667
Silver (Fil, ICP-MS) 01075 G 1796
Silver (WWR, ICP-MS) 01077 H 2386
Sodium (Fil, ICP) 00930 C 0675
Specific Conductance (WWR) 90095 A 0069
Strontium (Fil, ICP) 01080 B 0652
Strontium (Fil, ICP-MS) 01080 I 2507
Sulfate (Fil, IC, Low-level) 00945 E 1263
Sulfate (Fil, IC) 00945 G 1572
Thallium (Fil, ICP-MS) 01057 I 2508
Uranium (Fil, ICP-MS) 22703 G 1797
Vanadium (Fil, ICP)
01085 B 0653
Vanadium (Fil, ICP-MS)
01085 E 2509
Vanadium (Fil, ICP-MS, [collision cell]) -----NEW----- 01085 G 3134
Zinc (Fil, ICP)
This method is no longer monitored starting FY06<
01090 B 0671
Zinc (Fil, ICP-MS, [collison cell]) -----NEW----- 01090 I 3138
Zinc (Fil, ICP-MS) 01090 G 1798
Zinc (WWR, ICP) 01092 C 2371
Zinc (WWR, ICP-MS) 01092 D 2390
Zinc (WWR, ICP-MS, [collision cell])-----NEW----- 01092 E 3139

For further information, contact:

Inorganic Blind Sample Project Chief ( U.S. Geological Survey
Denver Federal Center
Mail Stop 401, Box 25046
Denver, CO 80225

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