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Other Objects

[Image of Other Objects]

Other Objects
orbit the Sun in our Solar System, such as comets and asteroids.

In addition to the planets and their moons, various asteroids, comets, and other objects referred to as small bodies or minor bodies are part of the Solar System.

Web Pages with Information about Other Objects

Astrogeology Research Program

Browse the Solar System: Interactive version of our popular poster Mapping the Solar System
Browse the Geologic Solar System: Interactive version of our popular poster Geology of the Solar System
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature: Information about and access to the official International Astromical Union approved names for planetary features
Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and Satellites - IAU Working Group: IAU CCRE Working Group, information, publications, and references, including tables of the accepted values for the size, shape, and rotations of the planets and satellites
NASA Planetary Photojournal: Images from various Solar System exploration programs
Workshop on Remote Sensing of Planetary Ices: Earth and other Solid Bodies - information and abstracts from the 1997 workshop held at the USGS Flagstaff Field Center
Deep Space 1: MICAS data and images of Comet Borrelly

Related: Missions

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