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Income Statement of Pension Plans
by type of plan, 1996
(amounts in millions)
Income and Expenses Total Defined Benefit Defined Contribution
Contributions received or receivable from:
  Employers $92,342 $34,486 $57,857
  Participants 68,766 793 67,973
  Others 7,856 441 7,415
  Noncash contributions 576 83 493
  Total contributions 169,540 35,803 133,737
Investment earnings 1/ 51,338 24,163 27,175
Net gain (loss) on sale of assets 33,087 18,273 14,814
Other or unspecified income 2/ 326,123 165,519 160,604
TOTAL INCOME 580,089 243,758 336,331
Benefit payments and payments to provide benefits
  Direct benefits 204,828 92,458 112,371
  Other benefits 8,571 4,457 4,115
  Total payments 213,399 96,914 116,485
Total administrative expenses 8,650 6,255 2,395
Other or unspecified expenses 4,195 250 3,946
TOTAL EXPENSES 226,244 103,418 122,826
NET INCOME 353,845 140,340 213,505

1/ Includes interest earnings, dividends, and rents.
2/ Includes net gain (loss) from pooled funds, unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of assets, and miscellaneous other income items.
SOURCE: Form 5500 series reports filed with the Internal Revenue Service for plan years beginning in 1996.

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