USGS - science for a changing world

Western Coastal & Marine Geology

USGS Pacific Coral Reefs Website

Panorama images of South Moloka‘i - Kaunakakai

360° panorama created with photos taken from the Kaunakakai Wharf on the south coast of Moloka‘i.

Pan and zoom around the photo by clicking your mouse and dragging left and right, and up and down. With your mouse positioned on top of the photo, hold down the shift key to zoom in, or the control key to zoom out.

360 degree panorama taken from Kaunakakai Wharf. The USGS logo is centered in the direction of north. To the windward east side of the wharf the water is muddy brown. To the leeward west side of the wharf the water is clear. Daily trade winds create waves which resuspend fine sediment on the Moloka‘i reef flat, some of which flows westward with the alongshore current. The impermeable Kaunakakai Wharf extends approximately 0.5 mi (0.8 km) offshore, effectively blocking the westward flow. The island of Lanai can be seen south of Molokai. Just visible to the east of Molokai, with its summit obscured by the clouds, is Haleakala on the island of Maui. The ancient West Molokai volcano of Mauna Loa is seen as a low mountain along the shoreline to the west. Oahu is not visible in this image.

The USGS logo is centered in the direction of north. To the windward east side of the wharf the water is muddy brown. To the leeward west side of the wharf the water is clear. Daily trade winds create waves which resuspend fine sediment on the Moloka‘i reef flat, some of which flows westward with the alongshore current. The impermeable Kaunakakai Wharf extends approximately 0.5 mi (0.8 km) offshore, effectively blocking the westward flow.

The island of Lāna‘i can be seen south of Moloka‘i. Just visible to the east of Moloka‘i, with its summit obscured by the clouds, is Haleakalā on the island of Maui. The ancient West Moloka‘i volcano of Mauna Loa is seen as a low mountain along the shoreline to the west. O‘ahu is not visible in this image.

View a static image of the 360° panorama here.

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Page Last Modified: 10 January 2008 (lzt)