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Increased Access to Quality Education and Training

A teacher teaching students how to use a science kit.


South Africa has made remarkable progress since democracy replaced apartheid ten years ago.  New opportunities in education, health, business, and improved services such as water, housing and power are now reaching millions of South Africans.  But serious gaps still afflict many areas, such as education.  Apartheid used education as a tool to oppress black South Africans and limit employment opportunities.  Millions were deprived of the basic right to learn, especially in areas such as math and science that are needed for skilled jobs.  As a result, skills remain poor for the majority and nearly half of the black population can’t find jobs.   

South African is changing the results of past discrimination and through major revision of its educational system is providing higher quality education at all levels.  USAID is helping South Africa achieve these goals.  President Bush recognized the significant contribution of education to a prosperous and democratic society and in 2002 launched the Africa Education Initiative.  Through USAID programs, South Africa participates in this Initiative that focuses on teacher training, improved curriculum and textbooks and scholarships for girls.  In addition, USAID programs help South Africa change its university level education system to meet the needs of more South Africans.  Links between U.S. universities and South African institutions help build partnerships and share experiences.

USAID is helping South Africa to upgrade teachers’ skills, especially in mathematics and science; improve learning materials and encourage parents to participate in their children’s education.

Improve basic education

South Africa suffers a shortage of trained teachers.  Old and irrelevant textbooks make the problem worse.  USAID is helping South Africa’s teachers learn new approaches and increase knowledge in key subject areas so they can provide a better education for South Africa’s children. 

USAID funds a number of scholarships and study programs for South African educators to improve their teaching abilities.  Teachers are learning more effective practices that motivate children to learn and participate in the classroom.  The emerging corps of trained teachers is producing better learning tools as well.  They help develop and design school materials they use in their classroom.   Teaching abilities are strengthened while students’ learning abilities are being enriched.    

Strengthen math and science programs

Technical subjects such as math and science were not readily available to black South African students during apartheid, inhibiting their ability to pursue professions requiring these disciplines.  As a result, most black South Africans have been sidelined from obtaining the essential education needed to succeed in business, medical and technology markets.  The new South African government immediately took steps to reverse these practices that limited opportunities and while overall competencies in math and science remain low, there are improvements. 

USAID works with South Africa to boost students’ abilities in these key areas.  Through training to upgrade teachers’ skills in math, science and technology instruction and also in providing new learning materials, such as science kits, USAID is helping to make a difference.

USAID operates as a partner with the Department of Education, Microsoft, South Africa’s telephone company—Telkom, and South Africa’s largest cable television company—Multichoice—to help 102 disadvantaged high schools across the country become magnet schools in math and science.  USAID provides targeted training for teachers at these schools and other partners provide technical support such as computers, software, telephone access and other necessary inputs to make the partnership work. 

Through USAID support, about 100 education leaders from disadvantaged communities will join short-term study tours to the U.S. to acquire innovative teaching skills.  They will mentor other teachers back in South African school districts.  USAID also provides teacher training in math, science and technology at select primary and secondary schools in poor provinces. 

USAID assists school officials to develop plans to improve participation and performance by both teachers and students in math, science and technology. 

Improve the way schools are managed

South Africa’s traditional system of schooling was autocratic and did not include room for parent and community participation in education.  Parents seldom got involved in school affairs, governance or curriculum.  The new democratic government has switched focus completely, putting students at the heart of the education spotlight.  

USAID works with school principals and staff to improve the ways schools operate by sharing responsibilities with parents.  USAID training helps school principals figure out the best way to get parents involved and to help manage their schools better.      

USAID programs encourage parents and families to be active in their children’s education.  Teachers and parents are forming associations to cooperatively support their children’s school progress.   Schools are becoming centers of excellence with strong community involvement.  

Prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among students, teachers and parents

Approximately 25% of South Africa’s adult population is HIV positive which creates huge challenges for all sectors, including education.  USAID is helping South Africa manage the impact on the education system and prevent further spread of HIV/AIDS. 

USAID is helping South Africa’s Education Department conduct studies to determine the impact of AIDS and respond with appropriate policies and activities.

USAID has helped develop information that school teachers use for HIV/AIDS education.  Materials cover safe behavior to prevent HIV/AIDS and ways to help those who are infected. 

Other Programs: South Africa’s higher learning institutions are merging to improve the quality of education and to make advanced education open to more people.  USAID encourages linkages with U.S. and South African institutions to help staff from South African groups which were disadvantaged under apartheid improve their abilities to fill leadership positions. 

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