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USGS Pacific Coral Reefs Website

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References to published papers, conference talks and posters with abstracts, and invited talks by USGS scientists. Some of these files require Acrobat Reader for viewing. Links will take you out of the USGS Pacific Coral Reef Studies website. Please use the BACK button on your browser to return.



Calhoun, R.S., and Field, M.E., 2008, Sand composition and transport history on a fringing coral reef, Molokai, Hawaii: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 24, p. 1151-1160.

Fletcher, C.H., Bochicchio, C., Conger, C.L., Engels, M.S., Feirstein, E.J., Frazer, L.N., Glenn, C.R., Grigg, R.W., Grossman, E.E., Harney, J.N., Isoun, E., Murray-Wallace, C.V., Rooney, J.J., Rubin, K.H., Sherman, C.E., and Vitousek, S., 2008, Geology of Hawaii reefs, in Riegl, B., and Dodge, R., eds., Coral Reefs of the U.S.A., Springer-Verlag, p. 435-488.

Knee, K., Street, J., Grossman, E.E., and Paytan, A., 2008, Submarine ground water discharge and fate along the coast of Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park, Hawai`i; Part II, Spatial and temporal variations in salinity, radium-isotope activity, and nutrient concentrations in coastal waters, December 2003-April 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigation Report 2008-5128, 31 p.

Piniak, G.A., and Brown, E.K., 2008, Growth and mortality of coral transplants (Pocillopora damicornis) along a range of sediment influence in Maui, Hawai'i: Pacific Science, v. 62, no. 1, p. 39-55.

Piniak, G.A., and Storlazzi, C.D., 2008, Diurnal variability in turbidity and coral fluorescence on a fringing reef flat; Southern Molokai, Hawaii: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 77, p. 56-64.

Storlazzi, C.D., and Field, M.E., Winds, waves, tides, and the resulting flow patterns and fluxes of water, sediment, and coral larvae off West Maui, Hawaii: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1215, 13 p.

Storlazzi, C.D., Gibbs, A., and Field, M., Winds, waves, tides, and the resulting flow patterns and fluxes of water, sediment and coral larvae off West Maui, Hawaii: in Vermeij, M., ed., Coral reefs of Maui; status, stressors and suggestions: San Francisco, Blurb Inc., p. 16-21.

Storlazzi, C.D., and Jaffe, B.E., 2008, The relative contribution of processes driving variability in flow, shear, and turbidity over a fringing coral reef; West Maui, Hawaii: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 77, p. 549-564.

Storlazzi, C.D., Presto, M.K., Logan, J.B., and Field, M.E., 2008, Coastal circulation and sediment dynamics in Hanalei Bay, Kaua‘i; Part IV -- Measurements of waves, currents, temperature, salinity, and turbidity, June-September 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1295, 29 p.

Street, J.H., Knee, K.L., Grossman, E.E., and Paytan, A., 2008, Submarine groundwater discharge and nutrient addition to the coastal zone and coral reefs of leeward Hawai`i: Marine Chemistry, v. 109, p. 355-376.


Cochran, S.A., Gibbs, A.E., and Logan, J.B., 2007, Geologic Resource Evaluation of Pu‘uhonua O Hōnaunau National Historical Park, Hawai‘i, part II: Benthic Habitat Mapping: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5258, 22 p.

Cochran, S.A., Gibbs, A.E., and Logan, J.B., 2007, Geologic Resource Evaluation of Pu‘ukoholā Heiau National Historic Site, Hawai‘i; Part II, Benthic habitat mapping: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5254, 20 p.

D’Iorio, M., Jupiter, S.D., Cochran, S.A., and Potts, D.C., 2007, Optimising remote sensing and GIS tools for mapping and managing the distribution of an invasive mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) on south Moloka‘i: Marine Geodesy, v 30, n. 1-2, p. 125-144.

Draut, Amy E., Bothner, Michael H., Reynolds, Richard L., Buchan, Olivia C., Cochran, Susan A., Casso, Michael A., Baldwin, Sandra M., Goldstein, Harland, Xiao, Jiang, Field, Michael E., and Logan, Joshua B., 2007, Sedimentary properties of shallow marine cores collected in June and September 2006, Hanalei Bay, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 289

Field, M.E., Berg, C.J., and Cochran, S.A., eds., 2007, Science and management in the Hanalei watershed; a trans-disciplinary approach: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2007-1219, 87 p.

Gibbs, A.E., Cochran, S.A., Logan, J.B., and Grossman, E.E., 2007, Benthic habitats and offshore geological resources of Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park, Hawai‘i: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5256.

Piniak, G.A., 2007, Effects of two sediment types on the fluorescence yield of two Hawaiian scleractinian corals: Marine Environmental Research, v. 64, no. 4, p. 456-468.

Presto, M.K., Storlazzi, C.D., Logan, J.B., and Grossman, E.E., 2007, Submarine groundwater discharge and fate along the coast of Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park, Hawai‘i:; Part I, Time-series measurements of currents, waves, salinity and temperature, November, 2005-July, 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2007-1310, 39 p.

Vitousek, S., Fletcher, C.H., Merrifield, M.A., Pawlak, G., and Storlazzi, C.D., 2007, Model scenarios of shoreline change at Kaanapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii; Seasonal and extreme events: ASCE Coastal Sediments 2007 Meeting, New Orleans, Proceedings, May 13-17, 2007, p. 1227-1240.


Bothner, M.H., Reynolds, R.L., Casso, M.A., Storlazzi, C.D., and Field, M.E., 2006, Quantity, composition and source of sediment collected in sediment traps along the fringing coral reefs off Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i: Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 52, n. 9, p. 1034-1047.

Carr, R.S., Nipper, M., Field, M.W., and Biedenbach, J.M., 2006, Coastal circulation and sediment dynamics in Hanalei Bay, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i, Part II -- Studies of sediment toxicity. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1147, 63 p.

Draut, A.E., Field, M.E., Bothner, M.H., Logan, J.B., Casso, M.A., Baldwin, S.M., and Storlazzi, C.D., 2006, Coastal circulation and sediment dynamics in Hanalei Bay, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i; Part II -- Tracking recent fluvial sedimentation; Isotope stratigraphy obtained in Summer 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1125, 52 p.

Grossman, E.E., Barnhardt, W.A., Hart, P., Richmond, B.M., and Field, M.E., 2006, Shelf stratigraphy and the influence of antecedent substrate on Holocene reef development, south Oahu, Hawai‘i: Marine Geology, v. 226, n. 1-2, p. 97-114.

Presto, M.K., Ogston, A.S., Storlazzi, C.D., and Field, M.E., 2006, Seasonal and spatial variability on the dispersal and transport of suspended-sediment on a shallow fringing reef flat, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 67, p. 67-81.

Stamski, R.E., and Field, M.E., 2006, Characterization of sediment trapped by macroalgae on a Hawaiian reef flat. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 66, n. 1-2, p. 211-216.

Storlazzi, C.D., Brown, E.K., and Field, M.E., 2006, The application of acoustic Doppler current profilers to measure the timing and patterns of coral larval dispersal. Coral Reefs, v. 25, n. 3, p. 369-381.

Storlazzi, C.D., McManus, M.A., Logan, J.B., and McLaughlin, B.E., 2006, Cross-shore velocity shear, eddies and heterogeneity in water column properties over fringing coral reefs: West Maui, Hawai‘i. Continental Shelf Research, v. 26, n. 3, p. 401-421.

Storlazzi, C.D., Presto, M.K., Logan, J.B., and Field, M.E., 2006, Coastal circulation and sediment dynamics in Hanalei Bay, Kaua‘i. Part I -- Measurements of waves, currents, temperature, salinity and turbidity: June – August, 2005. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1085, 35 p.

Yates, K.K., and Halley, R.B., 2006, CO32- concentation and pCO2 thresholds for calcification and dissolution on the Molokai reef flat, Hawai‘i. Biogeosciences, v. 3, p. 123-154.


Barnhart, W.A., Richmond, B.M., Grossman, E.E., and Hart, P., 2005, Possible modes of coral-reef development at Molokai, Hawai‘i, inferred from seismic-reflection profiling. Geo-Marine Letters, v. 25, n. 5, p. 315-323.

Cochran-Marquez, S.A., 2005, Moloka‘i benthic habitat mapping. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1070, 18 p.

Field, M.E., 2005, Living with change: response of the seafloor to natural events: in Barnes, P.W., and Thomas, J.P., eds., Benthic habitats and the effects of fishing. American Fisheries Society Symposium 41, Proceedings of Symposium on Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats: Linking Geology, Biology, Socioeconomics, and Management, Tampa, FL, 12-14 November 2002: Bethesda, MD, American Fisheries Society, p. 215-218.

Gibbs, A.E., Grossman, E.E., and Richmond, B.M., 2005, Summary and preliminary interpretations of USGS cruise A-2-02-HW: Underwater video surveys collected off of Oahu, Moloka‘i, and Maui, Hawai‘i, June-July 2002. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1244, 57 p.

Hapke, C.J., Gmirkin, R., and Richmond, B.M., 2005, Coastal change rates and patterns: Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1069, 28 p.

Logan, J.B., Field, M.E., and Chavez, P.S., 2005, Bathymetry and selected views of the fringing coral reef, south Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2886.

Rodgers, K.S., Jokiel, P.L., Smith, W.R., Farrell, F., and Uchino, K., 2005, Biological survey in support of the USGS turbidity and sediment baseline survey on south Moloka‘i reef flat, April 2005. USGS Open-File Report 2005-1361, 30 p.

Storlazzi, C.D., Brown, E.K., Field, M.E., Rodgers, K., and Jokiel, P.L., 2005, A model for wave control on coral breakage and species distribution in the Hawaiian Islands. Coral Reefs, v. 24, n. 1, p. 43-55.

Storlazzi, C.D., and Presto, M.K., 2005, Coastal circulation and sediment dynamics along West Maui, Hawai‘i: Part IV -- Measurements of waves, curents, temperature, salinity and turbidity in Honolua Bay, Northwest Maui: 2003-2004. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1068, 34 p.

Storlazzi, C.D., and Presto, M.K., 2005, Coastal circulation and sediment dynamics along Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park, Hawai‘i: Part I -- Measurements of waves, currents, temperature, salinity and turbidity: April-October 2004. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1161.


Brown, E.K., Cox, E., Jokiel, P.L., Rogers, K., Smith, W.R., Tissot, B., Coles, S., and Hultquist, J., 2004, Development of benthic sampling methods for the Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (CRAMP) in Hawai‘i. Pacific Science, v. 58, no. 2, p. 145-158.

Engels, M.S., Fletcher, Charles H. III, Field, Michael E., Storlazzi, Curt D., Grossman, Eric E., Rooney, John J.B., Conger, Christopher L., and Glenn, Craig, 2004, Holocene reef accretion: Southwest Molokai, Hawai‘i, USA. Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 74, p. 255-269.

Grossman, E.E., and Fletcher III, C.H., 2004, Holocene reef development where wave energy reduces accommodation space, Kailua Bay, windward Oahu, Hawai‘i, U.S.A.. Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 74, no. 1, p. 49-63.

Jokiel, P.L., 2004, Temperature stress and coral bleaching. In Rosenberg, E., and Loya, Y., eds., Coral Health and Disease, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, p. 401-425.

Jokiel, P.L., and Brown, E.K., 2004, Global warming, regional trends and inshore environmental conditions influence coral bleaching in Hawai‘i. Global Change Biology, v. 10, n. 10, p. 1627-1641.

Jokiel, P.L., Brown, Eric K., Friedlander, A., Rodgers, S. Ku'ulei, and Smith, William R., 2004, Hawai‘i Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program. Spatial patterns and temporal dynamics in reef coral communities: Pacific Science, v. 58, no. 2, p. 159-174.

Ogston, A.O., Storlazzi, C.D., Field, M.E., and Presto, M.K., 2004, Sediment resuspension and transport patterns on a fringing reef flat, Molokai, Hawai‘i. Coral Reefs, v. 23, p. 559-569.

Rooney, J., Fletcher, C., Grossman, R., Engels, M., and Field, M., 2004, El Niño influence on Holocene reef accretion in Hawai‘i. Pacific Science, v. 58, no. 2, p. 305-324.

Stamski, R.E., 2004, Sediment, nutrients and macroalgae on the south Moloka‘i reef flat, Hawai‘i: documenting the process of sediment trapping by macroalgae and exploring links between terrigenous mud, nitrogen isotopes and macroalgal abundance. M.Sc. thesis, University of California Santa Cruz, 111 p.

Storlazzi, Curt D., Field, Michael E., Ogston, Andrea S., Logan, Joshua B., Presto, M. Kathy, and Gonzales, Dave G., 2004, Coastal Circulation and Sediment Dynamics along West Maui, Hawai‘i: Part III -- Flow and particulate dynamics during the 2003 summer coral spawning season. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2004-1287.

Storlazzi, C.D., Ogston, A.S., Bothner, M.H., Field, M.E., and Presto, M.K., 2004, Wave- and tidally-driven flow and sediment flux across a fringing coral reef: South-central Molokai, Hawai‘i. Continental Shelf Research, v. 24, no. 12, p. 1397-1419.


Carr, R.S., and Nipper, M., 2003, Final report on toxicity testing of sediments from Molokai and Maui, Hawai‘i. USGS Marine Ecotoxicology Research Station, Texas A&M University -Corpus Christi, Center for Coastal Studies. 17 pp., +4 attachments.

D'Iorio, M., 2003, Mangroves and shoreline change on Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i: assessing the role of introduced Rhizophore mangle in sediment dynamics and coastal change using remote sensing and GIS. Ph.D. thesis, University of California - Santa Cruz, 191 p.

Friedlander, A.M., Brown, E.K., Jokiel, P.L., Smith, W.R., and Rodgers, K.S., 2003, Effects of habitat, wave exposure, and marine protected area status on coral reef fish assemblages in the Hawaiian archipelago. Coral Reefs, v. 22, p. 291-305.

Jokiel, P.L., and Cox, E.F., 2003, Drift pumice from Christmas Island and Hawai‘i documents oceanic dispersal patterns. Marine Geology, v.202, p. 121-133.

Storlazzi, Curt D., and Jaffe, Bruce E., 2003, Coastal Circulation and Sediment Dynamics along West Maui, Hawai‘i: Part I Long-term measurements of currents, temperature, salinity and turbidity off Kahana, West Maui: 2001-2003. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 03-482.

Storlazzi, Curt D., Logan, Joshua B., McManus, Margaret A., and McLaughlin, Brian E., 2003, Coastal Circulation and Sediment Dynamics along West Maui, Hawai‘i: Part II 2003 Hydrographic Survey Cruises A-3-03-HW and A-4-03-HW Report on the spatial structure of currents, temperature, salinity and turbidity along Western Maui. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 03-430.

Storlazzi, C.D., Logan, J.B., and Field, M.E, 2003, Quantitative morphology of a fringing reef from high-resolution laser bathymetry: Southern Molokai, Hawai‘i. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 115, no. 11, p. 1344-1355.

Yates, Kimberly K., and Halley, Robert B., 2003, Measuring coral reef community metabolism using new benthic chamber technology. Coral Reefs, v. 22, no. 3, p. 247-255.


Calhoun, R.S., Field, Michael E., 2002, Beach and reef-flat sediments along the south shore of Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. In Carbonate Beaches 2000, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Carbonate Sand Beaches, held in Key Largo, Florida, on December 5-8, 2000, American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 163-171.

Cochran, S.A., Roberts, Lucile M., and Evans, K.R., 2002, Moloka‘i fieldtrip guidebook: selected aspects of the geology, geography, and coral reefs of Moloka‘i. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 02-158, 68 p.

Field, M.E., Cochran, Susan A., and Evans, K.R., 2002, U.S. Coral Reefs -- Imperiled National Treasures. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 025-02.

Storlazzi, C.D., Field, Michael E., Dykes, James D., Jokiel, Paul L., and Brown, Eric, 2001, Wave control on reef morphology and coral distribution: Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. WAVES 2001 Conference Proceedings, American Society of Civil Engineers, San Francisco, California, v. 1, p. 784-793.


Carr, R.S., and Nipper, M., 2001, Toxicity testing of sediments from Molokai, Hawai‘i. Final report submitted to US Geological Survey, Geologic Division, Coastal and Marine Geology Program.

Field, M.E., Chavez, Jr., Pat S., Evans, K.R., and Cochran, Susan A., 2001, New mapping techniques help assess the health of Hawai‘i's coral reefs. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 084-01.

Jokiel, P.L., and Naughton, J., 2001, Coral reef mitigation and restoration techniques employed in the Pacific Islands: II. Guidelines. In Oceans 2001, Marine Technological Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., p. 313-316.

Naughton, J., and Jokiel, Paul L., 2001, Coral reef mitigation and restoration techniques employed in the Pacific Islands: I. Overview. In Oceans 2001, Marine Technological Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., p. 306-312.

Roberts, L.M., 2001, Historical land use, coastal change, and sedimentation on south Molokai reefs. In Saxena, N.K., ed., Recent advances in marine science and technology, 2000, PACON International, Honolulu, HI, p. 167-176.



Bothner, M.H., Casso, M.A., Takesue, R., Reynolds, R.L., Draut, A.E., Storlazzi, C.D., and Field, M.E., 2008, Using radioisotopes in mobile sediments of the Hanalei Bay system to assess sources, sinks, and potential for contaminant scavenging: 2008 Ocean Sciences, Orlando, FL, Proceedings, March 2-8, 2008, p. 44.

Brown, E.K., Friedlander, A.M., Storlazzi, C.D., and Berg, C.J., 2008, Spatio-temporal patterns in coral settlement on an exposed shoreline in Hawaii; the influence of current, proximity to a river source and sediment discharge levels: 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Proceedings, July 7-11, 2008, p. 334.

Cochran, S.A., 2008, Comparison of a benthic terrain model to benthic habitat classification maps of Moloka`i, Hawai`i, USA: 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Proceedings, July 7-11, 2008, p. 403.

Cochran, S.A., Chavez, P.S., Isbrecht, J., and Bogle, R.C., 2008, Mapping suspended sediment concentration on a fringing coral reef using airborne multispectral remote sensing and in situ sampling; Moloka`i, Hawai`i: 2008 Ocean Sciences, Orlando, FL, Proceedings, March 2-8, 2008, p. 79.

Draut, A.E., Bothner, M.H., Reynolds, R.L., Field, M.E., Cochran, S.A., Logan, J.B., Storlazzi, C.D., and Berg, C.J., 2008, Implications of seasonal flood deposits for coral reef ecosystems; example from Hanalei Bay, Kaua`i, HI, USA: 2008 Ocean Sciences, Orlando, FL, Proceedings, March 2-8, 2008, p. 107.

Field, M.E., Jacobi, J., Rosener, M., Tribble, G., and Stock, J., 2008, Ridge to reef; linking watershed science to coral reef health on Moloka`i: 2008 Hawai`i Conservation Conference, July 29-31, 2008, p. 18.

Field, M.E., Ogston, A.O., and Gibbs, A.E., 2008, Rising sea level and increased turbidity on fringing coral reefs: 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Proceedings, July 7-11, 2008, p. 547.

Field, M.E., Ogston, A.O., Storlazzi, C.D., Cochran, S.A., Presto, M.K., Stock, J.D., and Logan, J.B., 2008, Chronic turbidity on the Molokai fringing coral reef; goats, sugar, and watershed change: 2008 Ocean Sciences, Orlando, FL, Proceedings, March 2-8, 2008, p. 125.

Grossman, E., Knee, K., Paytan, A., Gibbs, A., Logan, J., Presto, K., Storlazzi, C., Beavers, S., Marrack, L., and Most, R., 2008, Submarine groundwater discharge and its role in structuring coral reef communities along the arid Kona coast of Hawaii, USA: 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Proceedings, July 7-11, 2008, p. 460.

Grossman, E., Webster, J., Ravelo, C., Barry, J., Fallon, S., Sagy, Y., Richmond, B., Torresan, M., and Clague, D., 2008, Abrupt drowning and cooling 8.2-8.4 ka observed in a 0.8-m diameter and 24-m long core through a Hawaiian coral reef, Oahu, USA: 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Proceedings, July 7-11, 2008, p. 5.

Grossman, E.E., Oki, D., Knee, K., Paytan, A., and Beavers, S., 2008, Submarine groundwater discharge and its role in anchialine pond dynamics of Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park on the arid Kona coast of Hawaii: American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division 89th Annual Meeting, Kamuela, HI, June 15-20, 2008.

Grumet-Prouty, N., and Field, M.E., 2008, Historical land use patterns recorded by coral chemistry from Moloka`i, Hawaii: 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Proceedings, July 7-11, 2008, p. 23.

Hoeke, R., and Storlazzi, C., 2008, Hydrodynamic modeling of a fringing reef embayment; Hanalei Bay, Hawaii: 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Proceedings, July 7-11, 2008, p. 125.

McGann, M., Field, M.E., Cochran, S.A., Vrijenhoek, R.C., and Johnson, S., 2008, Foraminiferal assemblages reflect human-induced and natural environmental change; case studies of watershed degradation, pollution, and whale falls: 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, Proceedings, August 6-14, 2008, CD-rom abstract no. HPF-12.

Presto, M.K., Storlazzi, C.D., Logan, J.B., and Grossman, E.E., 2008, Hydrodynamics and the dispersal of submarine groundwater discharge in Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park, Hawaii: 2008 Ocean Sciences, Orlando, FL, Proceedings, March 2-8, 2008, p. 366.

Reynolds, R.L., Bothner, M.H., Berg, C.J., Draut, A.E., Casso, M.A., and Goldstein, H., 2008, Sources of terrigenous sediment in Hanalei Bay, Kaua`i, Hawai`i; comparison of magnetic and CS-137 properties in marine sediment and upland surficial deposits: 2008 Ocean Sciences, Orlando, FL, Proceedings, March 2-8, 2008, p. 378.

Stock, J.D., Rosener, M., Tribble, G.W., and Field, M.E., 2008, Geomorphic transport laws to generalize sediment loading to the reefs of Moloka`i, Hawai`i, USA: 2008 Ocean Sciences, Orlando, FL, Proceedings, March 2-8, 2008, p. 440.

Storlazzi, C.D., 2008, Spatial and temporal variability in velocity shear over fringing coral reefs and its implications on water column structure and particulate flux: 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Proceedings, July 7-11, 2008, p. 125.

Storlazzi, C.D., Presto, M.K., Bothner, M.H., Draut, A.E., Field, M.E., and Hoeke, R., 2008, Controls on sediment dynamics in a coral reef-lined bay; Hanalei Bay, Kauai: 2008 Ocean Sciences, Orlando, FL, Proceedings, March 2-8, 2008, p. 441.

Takesue, R.K., Bothner, M.H., and Field, M.E., 2008, Trace element compositions of upland and summer (2006) trapped flood sediment, Hanalei Bay, Kaua`i: 2008 Ocean Sciences, Orlando, FL, Proceedings, March 2-8, 2008, p. 450.


Bothner, M.H., Baldwin, S., Casso, M.A., Draut, A., Rendigs, R., Reynolds, R., and Takesue, R., 2007, Tracing mobile sediments in the Hanalei watershed and bay system; A geochemical approach, in Field, M.E., Berg, C.J., and Cochran, S.A., eds., Science and management in the Hanalei watershed; a trans-disciplinary approach: Proceedings from the Hanalei watershed workshop, 21-22 February 2007, Hanalei, HI, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2007-1219, p. 5-9.

Carr, R.S., and Nipper, M., 2007, Sediment porewater toxicity study in Hanalei Bay, Kaua`i, in Field, M.E., Berg, C.J., and Cochran, S.A., eds., Science and management in the Hanalei watershed; a trans-disciplinary approach: Proceedings from the Hanalei watershed workshop, 21-22 February 2007, Hanalei, HI, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2007-1219, p. 13-15.

Cochran, S.A., Field, M.E., and Storlazzi, C.D., 2007, Distribution of mud in Hanalei Bay, Kaua`i; June vs. September 2006, in Field, M.E., Berg, C.J., and Cochran, S.A., eds., Science and management in the Hanalei watershed; a trans-disciplinary approach: Proceedings from the Hanalei watershed workshop, 21-22 February 2007, Hanalei, HI, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2007-1219, p. 18-21.

Draut, A.E., Field, M.E., Bothner, M.H., Cochran, S.A., Casso, M.A., Baldwin, S., Reynolds, R.L., Logan, J.B., and Storlazzi, C.D., 2007, Seasonal flood deposits in Hanalei Bay, Kaua`i, HI, in Field, M.E., Berg, C.J., and Cochran, S.A., eds., Science and management in the Hanalei watershed; a trans-disciplinary approach: Proceedings from the Hanalei watershed workshop, 21-22 February 2007, Hanalei, HI, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2007-1219, p. 22-27.

Field, M.E., Chezar, H., and Storlazzi, C.D., 2007, Photographic time series of sedimentation near the Wall, Hanalei Bay, Kaua`i, Summers of 2005 and 2006, in Field, M.E., Berg, C.J., and Cochran, S.A., eds., Science and management in the Hanalei watershed; a trans-disciplinary approach: Proceedings from the Hanalei watershed workshop, 21-22 February 2007, Hanalei, HI, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2007-1219, p. 33-35.

Field, M.E., Storlazzi, C.S., Ogston, A.O., and Draut, A.E., 2007, Watershed changes on tropical high islands; bad news for adjacent coral reef ecosystems: 25th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Patras, Greece, September 4-7, 2007.

Gibbs, A.E., and Cochran, S.A., 2007, Seafloor habitat mapping in Hawaiian National Parks. American Association of Geographers annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 17-21, 2007.

Grossman, E.E., 2007, Sea-level rise and climate change impacts to the National Park Service: NPS Climate Change Workshop, Joshua Tree National Park, CA., November 13-14, 2007.

Hoeke, R., and Storlazzi, C.D., 2007, Hydrodynamic modeling of Hanalei Bay, in Field, M.E., Berg, C.J., and Cochran, S.A., eds., Science and management in the Hanalei watershed; a trans-disciplinary approach: Proceedings from the Hanalei watershed workshop, 21-22 February 2007, Hanalei, HI, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2007-1219, p. 41-42

Hoeke, R., and Storlazzi, C.D., 2007, Predicting wave conditions in a coral embayment from offshore directional spectral model input: 10th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, 11-16 November 2007, Turtle Bay, HI, p. O1.

Reynolds, R.L., Bothner, M.H., Berg, C.J., Draut, A., and Goldstein, H., 2007, Magnetic study of sediment in Hanalei Bay and the Hanalei River watershed; Contribution to understanding sources and transport of terrigenous sediment, in Field, M.E., Berg, C.J., and Cochran, S.A., eds., Science and management in the Hanalei watershed; a trans-disciplinary approach: Proceedings from the Hanalei watershed workshop, 21-22 February 2007, Hanalei, HI, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2007-1219, p. 64-68.

Storlazzi, C.D., Presto, M.K., Logan, J.B., and Field, M.E., 2007, In situ measurements of coastal circulation and sediment dynamics in Hanalei Bay, Kaua`i, in Field, M.E., Berg, C.J., and Cochran, S.A., eds., Science and management in the Hanalei watershed; a trans-disciplinary approach: Proceedings from the Hanalei watershed workshop, 21-22 February 2007, Hanalei, HI, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2007-1219, p. 77-79.


Cochran, S.A., Gibbs, A.E., and Logan, J.B., 2006, Benthic habitat maps for National Parks along the Kona coast, Hawai‘i, in Eos. Trans. AGU 87(36), Ocean Sciences Meeting Supplement, CD-rom, Abstract OS26I-02.

Draut, A.E., Field, M.E., Bothner, M.H., Logan, J.B., Casso, M.A., Baldwin, S.M., Reynolds, R.L., and Storlazzi, C.D., 2006, Seasonal Flood Deposits in Hanalei Bay, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i-Implications of Fluvial Sedimentation for Coral-Reef Ecosystems: Eos Trans. AGU, v. 87, no. 52, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS23A-1616.

Field, M.E., Ogston, A.S., Storlazzi, C.D., Cochran, S.A., and Chavez Jr., P.S., 2006, Turbidity and sedimentation on Hawaiian coral reefs: the "residence-time" factor, in Eos. Trans. AGU 87(36), Ocean Sciences Meeting Supplement, CD-rom, Abstract OS52O-02.

Gibbs, A.E., Cochran S.A., Storlazzi, C.D., Grossman, E.E., and Field, M.E., 2006, Coral habitat variability in the Kona coast National Parks, in Eos. Trans. AGU 87(36), Ocean Sciences Meeting Supplement, CD-rom, Abstract OS26I-09.

Grossman, E.E., Logan, J.B., Storlazzi, C.D., Paytan, A., and Street, J., 2006, Mapping groundwater discharge and nutrient flux across the fringing reefs of south Molokai and west Hawai‘i, Main Hawaiian Islands, in Eos. Trans. AGU 87(36), Ocean Sciences Meeting Supplement, CD-rom, Abstract OS46N-13.

Piniak, G.A., and Brown, E.K., 2006, Effects of sediment on Hawaiian coral reefs, in Eos. Trans. AGU 87(36), Ocean Sciences Meeting Supplement, CD-rom, Abstract OS46N-12.

Presto, M.K., Ogston, A.O., Storlazzi, C.D., and Field, M.E., 2006, The influence of winds in sediment transport processes on a fringing reef flat: southern Molokai, Hawai‘i, in Eos. Trans. AGU 87(36), Ocean Sciences Meeting Supplement, CD-rom, Abstract OS46N-09.

Storlazzi, C.D., and Presto, M.K., 2006, The influence of sea-level rise on fringing reef hydrodynamics: insights from southern Molokai, Hawai‘i, in Eos. Trans. AGU 87(36), Ocean Sciences Meeting Supplement, CD-rom, Abstract OS52O-05.

Street, J.H., Grossman, E.E., and Paytan, A., 2006, Sbmarine groundwater discharge and nutrient subsidies to the leeward shores of Maui, Molokai, and Hawaii estimated using radium isotopes: Eos. Trans. AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sciences Meeting Supplement, CD-rom, Abstract OS15B-03.

Vitousek, S., Fletcher, C.H., and Storlazzi, C.D., 2006, Modeling alongshore propagating tides and currents around West Maui, Hawaii, and implications for transport using Delft3D: Eos Trans. AGU 87(52), Fall Meeting Supplement, CD-rom, Abstract OS11C-1524, San Francisco, Proceedings, December 11-15, 2006.


Gibbs, A.E., Cochran-Marquez, S.A., Logan, J.B., Grossman, E.E., Field, M.E., and Beavers, S., 2005, Seafloor habitat mapping in the Kona Coast National Parks. The George Wright Society Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites, Philadelphia, PA, March 14-18, 2005, p. 152.

Ogston, A.S., Presto, M.K., Storlazzi, C.D., and Field, M.E., 2005, Hydrodynamics of coral reefs and seagrass beds: Implications for ecological function, management and restoration, in 2005 ERF Meeting - Estuarine Interactions: Biological-physical feedbacks and adaptations, Norfolk, VA, October 16-21, 2005, Estuarine Research Foundation.

Richmond, B.M., Hapke, C., Reiss, T., and Hatcher, G., 2005, Beach dynamics and coastal habitat: examples from the Kona Coast, Hawai‘i. The George Wright Society Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites, Philadelphia, PA, March 14-18, 2005, p. 155.

Storlazzi, C.D., Grossman, E.E., and Basch, L., 2005, Spatial and temporal oceanographic variability at Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park, Hawai‘i Island. The George Wright Society Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites, Philadelphia, PA, March 14-18, 2005, p. 51.


Chavez, Jr., P.S., Isbrecht, J., Cochran, S., 2004, Use of Remote Sensing to Detect and Map Suspended Sediment on a Reef Due to On-Land Runoff and Wind Resuspension: Molokai, Hawai‘i. Eos Trans. AGU, 85(28), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract H23C-03: Honolulu, HI.

Cochran-Marquez, S.A., 2004, High-resolution benthic habitat map of Moloka‘i, HI. Eos Trans. AGU, 85(28), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS12A-03: Honolulu, HI.

Field, M.E., Bothner, M.A., Chavez, Jr., P.S., Cochran-Marquez, S.A., Jokiel, P.L., Ogston, A.S., and Storlazzi, C.D., 2004, Fate of flood sediment on a fringing coral reef, Molokai, Hawai‘i. Tenth International Coral Reef Symposium, June 28-July 2, 2004, Okinawa, Japan.

Gibbs, A., Grossman, E., Logan, J., Cochran-Marquez, S., Storlazzi, C., Field, M., Payton, A., and Street, J., 2004, Seafloor habitat mapping and oceanographic studies in the Kona Coast National Parks. GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 7-10, 2004, Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, no. 5, p. 124.

Grossman, E.E., Fletcher, C.H., Fallon, S.J., Barnhardt, W.A., Richmond, B.M., and Field, M.E., 2004, Narrow window for Holocene reef accretion on Oahu, Hawai‘i due to high wave energy and shallow antecedent topography. Tenth International Coral Reef Symposium, June 28-July 2, 2004, Okinawa, Japan.

Hapke, C., Richmond, R., and Gmirkin, R., 2004, Historical shoreline change and coastal landform mapping at Kaloko-Honokōhau NHP, Kona Coast, Hawai‘i. GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 7-10, 2004, Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, no. 5, p. 124.

Jokiel, P.L., 2004, Impact of storm waves and storm floods on Hawaiian reefs. Tenth International Coral Reef Symposium, June 28-July 2, 2004, Okinawa, Japan.

Logan, J.B., Storlazzi, C.D., Field, M.E., Brown, E.K., and Jokiel, P.L., 2004, The influence of waves on reef morphology and coral distribution: Molokai, Hawai‘i. Tenth International Coral Reef Symposium, June 28-July 2, 2004, Okinawa, Japan.

Nipper, M., Carr, R.S., Biedenbach, J., Hooten, R., and Field, M. and Brock, R., 2004, Sediment Toxicity Surveys in the Vicinity of Coral Reefs in the Hawaiian Islands. Tenth International Coral Reef Symposium, June 28-July 2, 2004, Okinawa, Japan.

Piniak, G.A., and Brown, E., 2004, Effects of sediment regime on coral transplant growth in west Maui. Tenth International Coral Reef Symposium, June 28-July 2, 2004, Okinawa, Japan.

Rooney, J.R., Fletcher, C.H., Engels, M.S., Grossman, E.E., and Field, M.E., Variability of Hawaiian reef accretion and El Nino over the Holocene epoch. Tenth International Coral Reef Symposium, June 28-July 2, 2004, Okinawa, Japan.

Storlazzi, C.D., Brown, E.K., and Field, M.E. 2004, Timing, patterns and speed in inter-reef and inter-island coral larval dispersal as elucidated by acoustic profilers and radio-tracked GPS drifters. Tenth International Coral Reef Symposium, June 28-July 2, 2004, Okinawa, Japan.

Storlazzi, C.D., McManus, M.A., Jaffe, B.E., Ogston, A.S., and Field, M.E., 2004, Flow and particulate flux along a complex coral reef shoreline: West Maui, Hawai‘i. Eos Transactions AGU, v. 84(52), Abstract OS22J-009, 2004 Ocean Sciences Supplemental Meeting: Portland, OR.


Barnhardt, W.A., Richmond, B.M., Grossman, E.E., and Hart, P., 2003, Stratigraphic development of fore-reef and marginal shelf environments south of Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Sediments 2003, Clearwater Beach, FL, May 18-23, 2003, CD-ROM published by World Scientific Publishing Corp. and East Meets West Productions, Corpus Christi, TX.

Carr, R.S. Nipper, M., Biedenback, J.M., Hooten, R., Field, M., and Brock, R., 2003, Sediment toxicity assessment studies in the Hawaiian Islands. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) N. American Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, November 9-13, 2003.

Chavez, Jr., P. S., Isbrecht, J., Jokiel, P.L. and Field, M.E., 2003, Use of remote sensing to detect and map suspended sediment on a reef due to on-land runoff: Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Sediments 2003, Clearwater Beach, FL, May 18-23, 2003, CD-ROM published by World Scientific Publishing Corp. and East Meets West Productions, Corpus Christi, TX.

Chavez, J., Pat S., Velasco, Miguel G., Isbrecht, Joann, and Field, Michael E., 2003, Specialized image mapping of coral reef environments using remotely sensed data: Molokai, Hawai‘i. American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Phoenix, AZ, March 30 - April 1, 2003.

Engels, M., Fletcher, C., Field, M., and Storlazzi, C., 2003, Rapid increase in relative sea level rate ca. 7.9 kyrs bp recorded at southwest Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 5, 02016, 2003.

Isbrecht, J., Velasco, Miguel G., and Chavez, Jr., Pat S., 2003, Mapping coral reefs using digitized aerial photographs and airborne laser bathymetry: Molokai, Hawai‘i. American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Phoenix, AZ, March 30 to April 1, 2003.

Presto, M.K., Ogston, A.S., Storlazzi, C.D., and Field, M.E., 2003, Impacts on spatial sediment transport patterns on a fringing reef: Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Geological Society of America Regional Meeting, Seattle, WA, November 2-5, 2003.

Velasco, M.G., Isbrecht, JoAnn, and Chavez, Jr., Pat S., 2003, Lidar image mapping of Hawai‘i: Molokai and Oahu. American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Pheonix, AZ, March 30 to April 1, 2003.


Ayers, P.D., Legoza, Sarah M., Peel, Michael P., Field, Michael E., Cochran, Susan A., Lanzendorf, Brenda L., 2002, UVMS for coral reef ecosystem mapping and species distribution analysis. 7th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Miami FL.

Chavez, P.S.J., Sides, Stuart C., Velasco, Miguel G., and Cochran, Susan A., 2002, Use of shipborne dual frequency acoustics to map portions of a coral reef habitat: Moloka‘i Hawai‘i. 7th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Miami, FL.

Field, M.E., Bothner, Michael A., Brown, Eric, Cochran, Susan A., Jokiel, Paul L., Ogston, Andrea S., and Storlazzi, Curt, 2002, Excessive sedimentation and reef degradation, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. European Meeting of the International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS), Cambridge, UK, 4-7 September.

Field, M.E., 2002, Living with change: response of the sea floor to natural events. Fishing and Benthic Habitats 2002 - Symposium on Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats: Linking Geology, Biology, Socioeconomics, and Management, Tampa, FL, November 12-14, 2002, p. 31-32.

Field, M.E., Storlazzi, Curt D., Jokiel, Paul L., Ogston, Andrea S., Bothner, Michael A., Calhoun, R. Scott, Cochran, Susan A., and Chavez, Pat S. Jr., 2002, Patterns and impact of sedimentation on a fringing coral reef, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Eos. Trans. AGU, Ocean Sciences 2002 Meeting Supplement, Honolulu, HI, p. Abstract OS11S-08.

Fletcher, C.H., Engels, Mary, Rooney, John, Field, Mike, Grossman, Eric G., Sherman, Clark E., Harney, Jodi N., and Murray-Wallace, Colin, 2002, Nature of Pleistocene carbonate shelf evolution and Holocene accretion: Hawaiian Islands. IGCP Project 437, Barbados, October 26 to November 2, 2002.

Jaffe, B.E., and Storlazzi, Curt D., 2002, Flow and sediment suspension on a coral reef in west Maui. Eos Transactions AGU, v. 83(47), Abstract OS71A-0267, Fall Supplemental Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Ogston, A.S., Storlazzi, Curt D., Field, Michael E., Bothner, Michael H., 2002, Sediment resuspension and transport on a shallow fringing reef: Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Eos. Trans. AGU, Ocean Sciences 2002 Meeting Supplement, Honolulu, HI, p. Abstract OS11S-09.

Storlazzi, C.D., Logan, Josh B., and Field, Michael E., 2002, Quantitative morphology of a fringing reef from high-resolution laser bathymetry: Southern Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Eos. Trans. AGU, Ocean Sciences 2002 Meeting Supplement, Honolulu, HI, p. Abstract OS21F-109.

Storlazzi, C.D., Ogston, A.S., Field, M.E., Bothner, M.H., and Presto, M.K., 2002, Wave- and tidally-driven flow and sediment flux across a fringing coral reef: Southern Molokai, Hawai‘i. Eos Transactions AGU, v. 83(47), Abstract OS71A-0266, Fall Supplemental Meeting, San Francisco, CA.


Chavez, J., Pat S., Sides, Stuart C., Cochran, Susan A., Isbrecht, JoAnn, and Velasco, Miguel G., 2001, Use of remotely sensed images to help map and study coral reef environments: Moloka‘i Hawai‘i. PACON 2001 Fifth Regional Symposium: Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Maritime Development, San Francisco, CA, 8-11 July 2001, p. 90.

Cochran, S.A., Chavez, Jr., Pat S., Field, Michael E., Sides, Stuart C., Ayers, Paul, and Legoza, Sarah, 2001, Acoustic and video mapping of coral reef habitats, Moloka‘i. Second Symposium on Marine Conservation Biology, San Francisco, CA, 21-26 June 2001.

Cochran, S.A., Chavez, Jr., Pat S., Field, Michael E., and Sides, Stuart C., 2001, A multi-tasked approach to coral reef ecosystem mapping, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Second Symposium on Marine Conservation Biology, San Francisco, CA, 21-26 June 2001.

D'Iorio, M., 2001, Application of AVIRIS hyperspectral imagery for the characterization of geo-botanical controls on mangrove colonization on the island of Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. AVIRIS Airborne Geoscience Workshop, Pasadena, CA, February 2 - March 2, 2000.

Field, M.E., Gardner, James E., Evans, Kevin R., Storlazzi, Curt D., and Calhoun, R. Scott, 2001, High-Frequency Sea Level Oscillations and Landscape Evolution in Coral Reef Environments. AGU Chapman Conference: Formation of Sedimentary Strata on Continental Margins, Ponce, Puerto Rico, 17-19 June 2001.

Field, M.E., Chavez, Jr., Pat S., Gardner, James, Storlazzi, Curt D., Cochran, Susan A., and Logan, Joshua B., 2001, High-resolution morphology of coral reef habitats, Hawai‘i. Second Symposium on Marine Conservation Biology, San Francisco, CA, 21-26 June 2001.

Logan, J.B., Storlazzi, Curt D., and Field, Michael E., 2001, Analysis of coral reef morphology using SHOALS data: southern Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. GIS 2001, Denver, CO, Arpil 2001.

Storlazzi, C.D., Ogston, Andrea S., and Field, Michael E., 2001, Flow and sediment transport on a shallow reef flat: South-central Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, p. 601.

Storlazzi, C.D., Ogston, A.S., and Field, M.E., 2001, Sedimentation and physical processes on a fringing reef flat: Southern Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. PACON 2001 Fifth Regional Symposium: Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Maritime Development, San Francisco, CA, 8-11 July 2001, p. 61.


Calhoun, R.S., and Field, Michael E., 2000, Controls on beach sand composition in a volcanic-carbonate setting, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Carbonate Beaches 2000.

Calhoun, R.S., and Field, M.E., 2000, Sediment composition and distribution in a volcanic-carbonate reef littoral setting, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Eos Trans. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., San Francisco, CA, December 15-19 2000.

Chavez, J., Pat S., and Field, Michael E., 2000, Corrections for water depth brightness variation in aerial photographs using spatial filtering and laser bathymetry in clear coastal waters, Moloka‘i Hawai‘i. Ninth Pacific Congress on Science and Technology (PACON), Honolulu, HI, June 5-9 2000, p. 80.

Chavez, J., Pat S., Isbrecht, JoAnn, Velasco, Miguel G., Sides, Stuart C., and Field, Michael E., 2000, Generation of digital image maps in clear coastal waters using aerial photography and laser bathymetry data, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Ninth Pacific Congress on Science and Technology (PACON), Honolulu, HI, June 5-9 2000, p. 52.

Chavez, J., Pat S., and Field, Michael E., 2000, Use of airborne SHOALS lidar bathymetry and digitized aerial photographs for coral reef mapping and analysis at Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Charleston, SC, May 1-3 2000.

Chavez, J., Pat S., and Field, Michael E., 2000, Use of digitized aerial photographs and airborne laser bathymetry to map and monitor coral reefs. Ninth International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, October 24-27, 2000.

Chavez, J., Pat S., and Field, Michael E., 2000, Use of digitized multi-temporal aerial photographs to monitor and detect change in clear shallow coastal waters, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. National Beach Preservation Conference, Royal Lahaina Resort, Kaanapali, Maui, HI, August 6-10 2000.

D'Iorio, M., Field, Michael E., and Storlazzi, Curt D., 2000, The effectiveness of mangroves as a buffer to reef siltation: south-central Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Ninth Pacific Congress on Science and Technology (PACON), Honolulu, HI, June 5-9 2000, p. 161.

Field, M.E., Chavez, Jr., Pat S., and Jokiel, Paul L., 2000, Interpreting remotely sensed data on coral reefs. Ninth Pacific Congress on Science and Technology (PACON), Honolulu, HI, June 5-9 2000, p. 82.

Field, M.E., Cochran, Susan A., and Chavez, Jr., Pat S., 2000, Mapping coral reefs by combining aerial photography with georeferenced underwater video and laser bathymetry data, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Charleston, SC, May 1-3 2000.

Field, M.E., Chavez, Jr., Pat S., Velasco, Miguel G., and Cochran, Susan A., 2000, New approaches to mapping coral reefs: LIDAR images from Hawai‘i. Ninth International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, October 23-27, 2000.

Field, M.E., Chavez, Jr., Pat S., and Storlazzi, Curt D., 2000, Processes and sites of sand storage on Hawaiian reef tracts: SHOALS imagery, aerial photography and field mapping. Carbonate Beaches 2000, Key Largo, FL, December 5-8 2000.

Field, M.E., Bothner, Michael A., Jokiel, Paul L., and Ogston, Andrea S., 2000, Response of a reef to sediment overload: Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Ninth International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, October 23-27, 2000.

Field, M.E., Storlazzi, Curt D., Bothner, Michael A., Chavez, Jr., Pat S., Calhoun, R. Scott, and Cochran, Susan A., 2000, Sedimentation patterns on the fringing reef off south Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. National Beach Preservation Conference, Royal Lahaina Resort, Ka‘anapali, Maui, HI, August 6-10 2000.

Jokiel, P.L., 2000, Assessment, monitoring and mapping of biological resources on Hawaiian coral reefs. Ninth Pacific Congress on Science and Technology (PACON), Honolulu, HI, June 5-9 2000, p. 79.

Ogston, A.S., Storlazzi, Curt D., and Field, Michael E., 2000, Observations of physical processes and sediment transport on a shallow reef flat: south-central Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. National Beach Preservation Conference, Royal Lahaina Resort, Ka‘anapali, Maui, HI, August 6-10 2000.

Ogston, A.S., Field, Michael E., and Storlazzi, Curt D., 2000, Reef flat physical processes and sediment transport observations: Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Ninth International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, October 24-27, 2000, p. 63.

Roberts, L.M., 2000, Historical changes in land use in relation to land erosion and sedimentation on the reefs of south Moloka‘i. Ninth Pacific Congress on Science and Technology (PACON), Honolulu, HI, June 5-9 2000, p. 78.

Smith, W.R., 2000, Hawai‘i coral reef assessment and monitoring program benthic habitat classification and mapping scheme. Ninth Pacific Congress on Science and Technology (PACON), Honolulu, HI, June 5-9 2000, p. 81.

Storlazzi, C.D., Field, Michael E., Dykes, J.D., and Ogston, Andrea S., 2000, Wave control on fringing reef architecture and physical processes: southern Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. Eos Trans. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., San Francisco, CA, December 15-19 2000, p. 683.



Grossman, E., Oki, D., Foote, D., Knee, K., Paytan, A., and Beavers, S., 2008, Submarine groundwater discharge and its importance to coral reef ecosystems, West Hawaii: U.S. Coral Reef Task Force Meeting, Kailua-Kona, HI, August 27, 2008.


Field, M.E., 2007, Sediment Processes on Hawaiian Coral Reefs. Invited lecturer at the Instituto di Scienze Marine, Bologna, Italy, September 14, 2007.


Field, M.E., 2006, The coral reefs of Moloka‘i: Are they impacted by run-off and land-based pollution?: Hawai‘i Association of Watershed Partnerships, Kane‘ohe, Oahu, Oct 19, 2006.

Grossman, E.E., 2006, Factors controlling Holocene reef development in Hawai‘i: Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) Post-Convention Short Course, Quaternary Reefs and Platforms: Bridging the gap between the ancient and modern, April 13-14, 2006, Houston TX.

Ogston, A.S., 2006, Seasonal variation in controls on sediment resuspension on a shallow, fringing reef flat, Moloka‘i, HI: Australian Institute of Marine Science Seminar Series, July 14, 2006.


Field, Michael E., 2005. Turbidity in Hawaiian coastal waters: For Alliance for Coastal Technologies Workshop on Measures of Turbidity in Coastal Waters, The Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology, Coconut Island, Oahu, HI, August 31, 2005.

Grossman, E.E., 2005, Submarine groundwater discharge and coral reef development in the Main Hawaiian Islands. NOAA SeaGrant ReefTalk, Kailua-Kona, HI, November 10, 2005.

Grossman, E.E., and Logan, J.B., 2005, Mapping coastal ecosystems and coral reefs. Kealakehe High School, GIS Day, November 16, 2005.


Field, Michael E., and Storlazzi, Curt D., 2004. Life and death of Hawaiian coral reefs: new studies track the life cycle of Maui's changing reefs. For USGS Menlo Park, Evening Public Lecture Series. February 26, 2004.


Field, Michael E., 2003. Waves, Humans, and Sea Level: The Making and Unmaking of Hawai‘i's Coral Reefs. For Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Spring 2003 Seminar Series. March 21, 2003.

Field, Michael E., 2003. Hawai‘i's Coral Reefs: Magnificent Past, Uncertain Future. For Maui Ocean Center, Ma‘alaea HI, Sea Talks series. January 28, 2003.

Storlazzi, Curt D., 2003. Sediment Dynamics on Hawaiian Reefs: Insights from Southern Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. For Stanford University, Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences Spring 2003 Seminar Series. February 11, 2003.


Brown, Eric, 2002. Status of Hawai‘i's coral reefs: Should we celebrate or just give up? For Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale Sanctuary Office, Maui, Community talk. May 14, 2002.

Brown, Eric, 2002. Coral reef assessment and monitoring program. For Maui Community College, Seminar talk. February 14, 2002.

Field, Michael E., and Jokiel, Paul L., 2002. Coral reef habitats: new insights from integrated coastal science. For Oceans 2002 - Session organizers and Co-chairs. February 11, 2002.

Storlazzi, Curt D., 2002. Sediment Dynamics on Hawaiian Reefs: Insights from Southern Moloka‘i. For USGS Menlo Park, USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Seminar Series. June 11, 2002.

Storlazzi, Curt D., 2002. Wave control on coral distribution and fringing reef morphology: South Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. For University of California, Santa Cruz, Institute of Marine Science Spring 2002 Seminar Series.

Storlazzi, Curt D., 2002. Wave control on coral distribution and fringing reef morphology: Southern Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. For University of Delaware, Newark, Institute of Marine Science and Department of Geology Spring 2002 Seminar Series.

Field, Michael E., 2001. Hawai‘i's magnificent coral reefs: are they at risk? For USGS Menlo Park, Evening Public Lecture Series. January 25, 2001.

Cochran, Susan A., 2000. Using and Navigating the New Website for Mamala Bay, Oahu. For PACON conference, Honolulu HI Science Teacher's Workshop, Invited talk. June 10, 2000.

Field, Michael E., 2000. Mapping Hawai‘i's Coral Reefs. For PACON conference, Honolulu HI, Science Teacher's Workshop talk, Invited talk. June 10, 2000.

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