USGS - science for a changing world

Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data

Alphabetical index of categories: A

A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Number of information resources is shown in parentheses after each term.

abandoned mines and quarries (19) atomic absorption analysis (7) Microsoft Access format (2) acid deposition (1) acidic deposition -> acid deposition (1) acid precipitation -> acid deposition (1) acid rain -> acid deposition (1) acid snow -> acid deposition (1) neutron activation analysis (2) volcanic activity (1) adits (mine sites) -> mine sites (27) Adobe Illustrator format (2) aerial photography (1) aeromagnetic maps (20) -> aeromagnetic surveying WITH maps and atlases aeromagnetic surveying (94) aeroradiometric surveying (11) Ag -> silver (4) age dating (radiometric) -> radiometric dating (7) radiometric age determination -> radiometric dating (7) airborne imaging -> remote sensing (98) Side-Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR) -> SLAR (2) Al -> aluminum (1) alluvium -> unconsolidated deposits (20) aluminum (1) anabranches -> streams (2) atomic absorption analysis (7) carbon-14 analysis (1) chemical analysis (39) environmental analysis -> environmental assessment (1) geospatial analysis (2) isotopic analysis (8) light stable-isotope analysis -> light stable isotope analysis (1) light stable isotope analysis (1) magnetic susceptibility analysis (3) mineralogical analysis -> chemical analysis (39) neutron activation analysis (2) paleomagnetic analysis (3) potassium-argon analysis (2) spatial analysis (2) stable isotope analysis -> light stable isotope analysis (1) statistical analysis (2) ESRI Spatial Analyst binary grid format (3) atmospheric and climatic processes (1) population and community ecology (1) drilling and coring (3) culture and demographics (1) rocks and deposits (52) information system design and development (1) instrument design and development (3) business and economics (1) field inventory and monitoring (82) atmospheric deposition (chemical and particulate) -> atmospheric deposition (chemical & particulate) (1) biological and physical processes (14) contamination and pollution (29) abandoned mines and quarries (19) mining and quarrying (3) LIght Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) -> LIDAR (1) animals (2) bouguer anomaly (3) isostatic anomaly (6) geochemical anomaly maps (2) -> geochemistry WITH maps and atlases gravity anomaly maps (11) -> gravitational field (earth) WITH maps and atlases magnetic anomaly maps (21) -> magnetic field (earth) WITH maps and atlases anoxia -> oxygen content (water) (1) anthracite resources -> coal resources (1) antimony (2) scientific application software (1) aprons (geological) -> physiographic features (34) aquifer level -> ground-water level (1) ARC/INFO grid export format (28) ArcInfo coverage (5) ArcInfo export -> ArcInfo interchange (39) ArcInfo GRID format (29) ArcInfo interchange (39) ESRI ArcView binary raster grid (3) mineral deposit areas (19) mining areas -> mine sites (27) peat cutting areas -> wetlands (1) riparian areas -> wetlands (1) salt deposit areas -> mineral deposit areas (19) argon-argon dating -> radiometric dating (7) arsenic (3) As -> arsenic (3) USGS ASCII grid format (1) volcanic ash -> volcanic rocks (2) asphalt lakes -> basins (1) environmental assessment (1) environmental impact assessment -> environmental assessment (1) natural resource assessment (11) resource assessment -> natural resource assessment (11) atmospheric and climatic processes (1) atmospheric deposition (chemical & particulate) (1) atmospheric deposition (chemical and particulate) -> atmospheric deposition (chemical & particulate) (1) atomic absorption analysis (7) atomic emission spectroscopy (11) Au -> gold (2)

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