USGS - science for a changing world

The Alaska Resource Data File

Taylor Mountains (TA)

22 records in the original U.S.G.S. Open-File Report

30 records in the updated formats

Open File Report 01-200

The exact equivalent of the U.S.G.S. Open-File Report for this quadrangle can be viewed and printed with your browser by clicking on the following highlighted text:

PDF icon Taylor Mountains pdf file (279 k)

(Note that the ARDF is in Adobe Acrobat format; if your computer does not have
this software, it can be installed with the Acrobat icon at the bottom of this page).

Digital Versions of the Data

The data was originally compiled with FileMaker Pro software; if you have Version 3.0 or later of FileMaker Pro installed on your computer, the data can be searched and manipulated through your browser by clicking on the following:

Note: If you have FileMaker Pro 3.0 or 4.0 use the .fp3 file format. If you have FileMaker Pro 5.0 use the .fp5 file format. If you have Filemaker Pro 7.0 or higher use the .fp7 file format.

Taylor Mountains FileMaker Pro (.fp3) file (344 k) (updated 31 July 2008)

Taylor Mountains FileMaker Pro (.fp5) file (356 k) (updated 31 July 2008)

Taylor Mountains FileMaker Pro (.fp7) file (372 k) (updated 31 July 2008)

(If you are going to use this file repeatedly, it may be more convenient to download
it permanently to your computer rather than wait for it to download through your
browser every time you wish to use it.)

The data can also be downloaded in a "csv" format that can be used with a variety of data base and spreadsheet programs. If you have the appropriate software that can work with csv files installed on your computer, the data can be manipulated or searched directly through your browser. (However, see the comment in italics above for the advantages of downloading the data onto your computer if it is to be used repeatedly).

Taylor Mountains comma-separated-value (.csv) file (86 k) (updated 31 July 2008)

The reference list is provided below in a "txt" format that can be downloaded and used with a variety of word-processing software. Alternately one can simply click on the highlighted text below and extract the references to a word-processing program by cutting and pasting to another screen.

Taylor Mountains References (.txt) file (4 k)

ARDF Home | Quad Map | Quad Table | Link to Acrobat Reader

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