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This page provides transcripts of past sessions.

2008 Transcripts
Photo of Deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock

June 23, 2008
Deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock
Subject: How EPA can use "Web 2.0" to carry out its mission to protect human health and the environment.



May 13, 2008

photo of Alison Davis Alison Davis, EPA Senior Advisor for Outdoor Air and Asthma, Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards photo of Tracey Mitchell Tracey Mitchell, Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) with EPA photo of Kristy Miller Kristy Miller, Campaign Director, EPA-Ad Council Childhood Asthma Campaign
Subject: May is Asthma Awareness Month. EPA experts answered questions on EPA's role in helping people effectively manage Asthma and how the environment can affect this condition, and offered ways to reduce indoor "environmental triggers", such as dust or pet dander, and ways to help prevent asthma attacks -- because even one attack is one too many.



photo of Molly O'Neill

April 24, 2008
Molly O'Neill, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Environmental Information and Chief Information Officer
Subject: EPA's National Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information and ideas for improving access, including suggestions to improve EPA's home page.


photo of Dr. George Gray

March 12, 2008
Dr. George Gray, Assistant Administrator for Research and Development
Subject: The diversity of science careers at EPA.


photo of Jim Gulliford

February 20, 2008
Jim Gulliford, Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances
Subject: How the new Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program will examine the human health and environmental risks and benefits of nanoscale chemical products.


photo of Benjamin
	  H. Grumbles

January 31, 2008
Michael Deane, Associate Assistant Administrator for Water
Subject: How using water more efficiently can help save you money and protect the environment.



2007 Transcripts
photo of Maria Vargas

December 19, 2007
Maria Vargas of EPA's Energy Star program
Subject: How you can green your holiday season and save some green too.


photo of Granta Nakayama

December 5, 2007
Granta Nakayama, Associate Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
Subject: How EPA is encouraging environmental stewardship and holding polluters accountable to deliver a cleaner, healthier America.


Photo of Susan Bodine

November 15, 2007
Susan Bodine, Assistant Administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response
Subject: Recycling and America Recycles Day.


Photo of Deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock

November 8, 2007
Deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock
Subject: How EPA measures the agency's performance and finds new ways to deliver environmental results, and his new blog "Flow of the River."


 EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson

November 1, 2007
Administrator Stephen L. Johnson
Subject: Change a Light Campaign
