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FedFast > Help Page > FAQs

How do I register to use the FedFast online store?
I forgot my password. What should I do?
How do I change my password?
How can I be sure my order was placed?
Can I modify my order?
How can I find out the status of my order?
I cannot see all of the navigation bars and links. What do I do?
I cannot see all the text when using Internet Explorer. What do I do?
I get the message "No Name Service Specified". What do I do?
I get the message "Your request did not contain a service name". What do I do?
How do I view my Saved Carts?
I don't see my question listed. What do I do?
The e-mail links within the store do not work. What should I do?
I have been unable to place an order on your store due to extremely slow performance. What should I do?

1. How do I register to use the FedFast online store?
If you previously registered on UNICOR's online store, you do not need to register again to use the FedFast web store. For new users, click on login from the home page, then click register nowon the login page. Once on the registration page, simply fill out your registration information and then click continue to establish a password. Passwords are case sensitive and please do not use spaces or special characters. Once done, click continue to complete the registration process. You may begin shopping immediately. If you are unable to register, contact our webmaster at webmastersales@central.unicor.gov.

2. I forgot my password. What should I do?
On the bottom left of the Login/Register page, enter your e-mail address under the "forgot your password" question and then click Continue. We will immediately e-mail you a new password. To change the password to one of your choosing, you must first login with the one we gave you, then click My Account, Change Password. Please note that passwords are case sensitive and spaces or special characters should not be used.

3. How do I change my password?
To change your password, you must first login using your current password. Then click My Account, Change Password. Please note that passwords are case sensitive and spaces or special characters should not be used.

4. How can I be sure my order was placed?
You will receive two confirmations. The first appears at the end of the checkout process and it can be printed from your browser. The second is an e-mail message from fedfastlexington@central.unicor.gov that confirms your order has entered our system. Both confirmations will list the items and quantities ordered along with the total price of the order (both should match). Receipt of the e-mail confirmation begins the 48-hour shipping guarantee.

If you do not receive the e-mailed confirmation message described above within an hour of placing your order, please contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-827-3168 or e-mail us at webmastersales@central.UNICOR.gov.

5. Can I modify my order?
Until you actually submit your order, you can delete or modify your shopping cart at any time. Once you have submitted your order, however, you can no longer modify it on the website. In such cases, please contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-827-3168 or send an e-mail to fedfastlexington@central.unicor.gov. Please be sure to include the 8-digit sales order number and your name and telephone number in the e-mail. If your order has already been shipped, you may be charged a restocking fee if you are trying to reduce the quantity on your order. Our Customer Service Center will be able to advise you further.

6. How can I find out the status of my order?
To check on the status of a FedFast order placed either online or by phone, you must first be logged in to our website. If you have not already done so, click login before proceeding. Once you are logged in, click past orders and a list of your most recent orders (up to 100) will be displayed in date order. You may browse the list to find the order in which you are interested or use the Order Search feature. You can also check on the status of orders placed by colleagues if you know the sales order number or the reference number they used. Once you have found the order, click on the order number to view status details such as the scheduled ship date, actual ship date, and the carrier used. If your order has already been shipped, you can click on the carrier logo to connect to their tracking system to find the exact location of your shipment.

7. I cannot see all of the navigation bars and links or I cannot see all the text when using Internet Explorer?
If the view of the text is too small, Internet Explorer® has a menu that will allow you to change the size of the text or fonts. Go to the top navigational bar and click on "View". Then click on text size and select "Medium".

8. When trying to browse the site using Internet Explorer, I get the message that "No Name Service Specified" or "Your request did not contain a service name".
NOTE: You may need to contact your IT systems administrator to perform the following steps if you do not have administrative rights or permissions for your workstation. The UNICOR online store is designed to be compatible with all versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 and higher. If you use a version of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and above to browse the UNICOR online store and receive the error messages of No Name Service Specified or Your request did not contain a service name, you may need to change your internet security settings for the browser or check the settings for allowing internet cookies. If the settings under the security section are set to maximum security level or if session cookies are disabled under the cookies menu in the Microsoft browser Tools Menu, the above error messages could be displayed.

To correct this issue, it is suggested that you go to the Tools menu on your main tool bar in your Internet Explorer browser window (usually shown on top tool bar by default) and click on Tools to activate a drop-down menu. Choose Internet Options from the drop-down menu (Internet Options is usually located at the bottom of the drop-down menu). Next choose the Security tab and adjust the security level (sometimes shown as a slider control button) to less than the maximum setting. Medium or Medium High settings should function properly.

Cookies must also be enabled. Under the browser Tools menu, click Internet Options, then Security Tab, then click the Custom Level button which should be visible when the Security tab is activated. Scroll to the Cookie section to choose the Enabled button under the heading "Allow cookies that are stored on this computer". Finally, enable the button under the menu heading "Allow per-session cookies (not stored)" section.

9. How do I view my Saved Carts?
You must first be logged in to our website. If you have not already done so, click Login/Register before proceeding. Once you are logged in, click Saved Carts and a list of the carts you have saved within the last 6 months will be displayed in date order. Click on the cart name to view details and to make a saved cart your current cart or to merge a saved cart with an active cart.

10. I don't see my question listed. What do I do?
You may send your question directly to fedfast@central.unicor.gov and a staff member will respond within 24 hours. Please be sure to include your phone number in case we need clarification of the issue.

11. The e-mail links within the store do not work, What should I do?
Your browser e-mail client may need to be configured to allow you to send internet mail. Please contact your local systems administrator, or help desk to resolve.

12. I have been unable to place an order on your store due to extremely slow performance. What should I do?
You may be experiencing performance issues with your hard drive. To determine if this could be the problem, you should check available hard-drive space, virtual memory availability, and hard-drive fragmentation levels. You may need to run the de-frag tool to resolve this issue. If this doesn't resolve your problem, contact your computer support staff.

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