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FedFast > Help Page > Contact Information

UNICOR operates a fully staffed Customer Service Center that is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. EST. They will be happy to take your credit card order, modify an existing order, answer order status questions, process a freight damage/shortage claim, resolve billing problems, or send you copies of catalogs. You can call, write, fax or e-mail the Customer Service Center at:

You may also contact our Distribution Center directly to cancel an order or to ask specific questions about product features. They can be reached by phone, FAX, or e-mail at:

    UNICOR Distribution Center
    P.O. Box 727
    Minersville, PA 17954
    Telephone: (570) 544-6281
    FAX: (570) 544-7347
    E-mail: fedfast@central.unicor.gov

If you are experiencing technical problems with the website, you may contact our Help Desk at 202-305-3555 or helpdesk@central.unicor.gov. The Help Desk is staffed from 6:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday.

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