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FY 2007 Interstate Maintenance Discretionary (IMD) Awards (as of August 25, 2008)

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State Project Award Amount Funds Allocated to State Funds yet to be Allocated to State
Arizona I-10 from I-8 to the Gila River Indian Community - widen from 4 lanes divided highway to 6 lanes divided highway, including project development (PE), ROW acquisition, and construction $4,000,000   $4,000,000.00
Florida I-95 Managed Lanes project, from SR-836 (the Dolphin Expressway) in Miami-Dade County to I-595 in Broward County $43,400,000 $43,400,000.00  
Minnesota Priced Dynamic Shoulder Lanes, on I-35W northbound, from 46th Street to TH-65 near downtown Minneapolis $6,600,000 $6,600,000.00  
Missouri I-70 from Kansas City to St. Louis - supplemental EIS to evaluate impacts from dedicated truck lanes and various financing options, such as tolling, public-private partnerships and sales tax increase, and preliminary design along the corridor. $2,000,000 $2,000,000.00  
North Carolina I-95 through North Carolina - roadway widening (i.e. lane additions, ramp improvements, and shoulders), rehabilitate existing pavement and structures, reduce or eliminate barriers to efficient freight movement including such things as improving bridge clearances, minor interchange and ramp capacity improvements, and weigh station upgrades, and improving other operational characteristics $21,000,000 $21,000,000.00  
Oregon I-5 Columbia River Crossing, from SR-500 in Vancouver, WA south to Columbia Boulevard in Portland, OR - complete Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), begin design, and make protective right-of-way purchases for parcels that would be needed for any of the "build" options or for construction staging areas [Funds allocated to Washington, at request of Oregon] $15,000,000 $15,000,000.00  
TOTAL   $92,000,000 $88,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00
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Bob Wright
Office of Program Administration
E-mail Bob

This page last modified on 09/30/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration