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 Technology Innovation Program (TIP)


This program provides information about characterization and treatment technologies for hazardous waste remediation. It offers technology selection tools and describes programs, organizations, and publications for federal and state personnel, consulting engineers, technology developers and vendors, remediation contractors, researchers, community groups, and individual citizens.

The main goal of TIP is to assemble and disseminate information about treatment technologies through partnerships and initiatives such as the Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable, the State Coalition of Dry Cleaners, and the Remediation Technologies Development Forum, all of which promote commercialization and utilization of remediation technologies. Through the initiative Measurement and Monitoring Technologies for the 21st Century, EPA supports field projects for first-time deployment of commercial-ready measurement techniques for contaminants in soil and ground water. Funding for these demonstrations is about $270,000 per year. TIP also promotes numerous databases and provides support for vendors and developers.

Stages on R&D Continuum: Demonstration, Diffusion and Utilization

EPA Goal: Water – technologies addressing contamination of soil
or ground water

Type of Support Provided: Funding, information and technology transfer  

Funding: $270,000 for demonstration; $2.4 million for commercialization, and diffusion and utilization

Responsible EPA Office: Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response

See Also

Innovative Technologies

Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable

State Coalition for Remediation of Dry Cleaners

Remediation Technologies Development Forum (RTDF) Exit EPA Disclaimer

Measurement and Monitoring Technologies for the 21st Century Exit EPA Disclaimer

Vendor and Developer Support Exit EPA Disclaimer


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