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 Voluntary Diesel Retrofit Program


EPA implemented a plan to significantly reduce pollution from new diesel engines. It was a two-step approach that first set new emission standards for diesel engines; this took effect in 2004. For the second step, which began in 2007, EPA established even more stringent emission standards in combination with using ultra low-sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel. Because new vehicles and engines are purchased gradually to replace older units, EPA has developed the Voluntary Diesel Retrofit Program to help make a difference sooner. This program is designed to improve the emission performance of existing diesel vehicles and equipment. The program is building a market for clean diesel concepts by:

  • Accelerating the delivery of ULSD fuel
  • Forging business partnerships and relationships
  • Evaluating technologies and supporting their use
  • Investing EPA resources to accelerate market growth

In February 2005, EPA announced the award of 18 grants designed to demonstrate effective emissions reduction strategies for diesel fleets. Each demonstration project reduces the impacts of pollution on a population that is especially susceptible to the effects of diesel exhaust, including children, the elderly, and the chronically ill. The 18 grant recipients will use retrofit diesel vehicles and equipment with advanced technologies.

Stages on R&D Continuum: Diffusion and Utilization

EPA Goal: Air

Type of Support Provided: Funding, partnerships brokering, information and technology transfer

Funding: Programs with $1 million to $10 million per year

Responsible EPA Office: Office of Air and Radiation

See Also

Diesel Retrofit Technology Verification


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