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 Multi-Parameter Water Quality Probes

Company/Technology Name Verification Report
and Statement
Assurance Plan
AANDERAA Instruments, Inc.
RCM Mk II with Optode 3830
Verification Report (PDF) (52 pp, 1.9 MB) July 2004
Verification Statement (PDF) (4 pp, 42 KB)

Verification of Multi-Parameter Water
Monitors for Distribution Systems (PDF)
(37 pp, 602 KB) July 2004

Long-Term Deployment of Multi-Parameter Water Quality Probes/Sondes (PDF) (101 pp, 1.9 MB) July 2004

Analytical Technology, Inc.
Verification Report (PDF) (50 pp, 5 MB) May 2008
Clarion Sensing Systems, Inc.
Sentinal™ 500 Series
Verification Report (PDF) (47 pp, 4.3 MB) May 2008
General Oceanics, Inc.
Ocean Seven 316 Water
Verification Report (PDF) (61 pp, 1.7 MB) March 2004
Verification Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 45 KB)
HACH Company
Water Disribution Monitoring Panel and the Event Monitor™ Trigger System
Verification Report (PDF) (66 pp, 3.5 MB) May 2008
Man-Tech Associates Inc.
TitraSip™ SA System
Verification Report (PDF) (52 pp, 5.3 MB) May 2008
Rosemount Analytica
l Model WQS
Verification Report (PDF) (47 pp, 4.7 MB) May 2008
YSI Incorporated
6600 Extended Deployment System - Round 1 Testing
Verification Report (PDF) (69 pp, 1.7 MB) March 2004
Verification Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 600 KB)
YSI Incorporated
6600 Extended Deployment System - Round 2 Testing
Verification Report (PDF) (75 pp, 2.5 MB) July 2004
Verification Statement (PDF) (5 pp, 50 KB)

Contact: Eric Koglin

Information contained in listed documents does not constitute nor should be construed as an EPA endorsement of any particular product, service, or technology.


See Also
Technology Testing and Evaluation Program

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