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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 645  

Provisions Governing Welfare-to-Work Grants




Subpart B  

General Program and Administrative Requirements

20 CFR 645.220 - What activities are allowable under this part?

  • Section Number: 645.220
  • Section Name: What activities are allowable under this part?

    Entities operating WtW projects may use WtW funds for the 
    (a) Job readiness activities, subject to the requirements of 
Sec. 645.221 of this subpart.
    (b) Vocational educational training or job training. A participant 
is limited to six calendar months of such training if (s)he is not also 
employed or participating in an employment activity, as described in 
paragraph (c) of this section.
    (c) Employment activities which consist of any of the following:
    (1) Community service programs;
    (2) Work experience programs;
    (3) Job creation through public or private sector employment wage 
subsidies; and
    (4) On-the-job training.
    (d) Job placement services subject to the requirements of 
Sec. 645.221 of this subpart.
    (e) Post-employment services which are provided after an individual 
is placed in one of the employment activities listed in paragraph (c) 
of this section, or in any other subsidized or unsubsidized job, 
subject to the requirements of Sec. 645.221 of this subpart. Post-
employment services include such services as:
    (1) Basic educational skills training;
    (2) Occupational skills training;
    (3) English as a second language training; and
    (4) Mentoring.
    (f) Job retention services and support services that are provided 
after an individual is placed in a job readiness activity, as specified 
in paragraph (a) of this section; in vocational education or job 
training, as specified in paragraph (b) of this section; in one of the 
employment activities, as specified in paragraph (c) of this section, 
or in any other subsidized or unsubsidized job. WtW participants who 
are enrolled in Workforce Investment Act (WIA) or JTPA activities, such 
as occupational skills training, may also receive job retention and 
support services funded with WtW monies while they are participating in 
WIA activities. Job retention and support services can be provided with 
WtW funds only if they are not otherwise available to the participant. 
Job retention and support services include such services as:
    (1) Transportation assistance;
    (2) Substance abuse treatment (except that WtW funds may not be 
used to provide medical treatment);
    (3) Child care assistance;
    (4) Emergency or short term housing assistance; and
    (5) Other supportive services.
    (g) Individual development accounts which are established in 
accordance with the Act.
    (h) Outreach, recruitment, intake, assessment, eligibility 
determination, development of an individualized service strategy, and 
case management may be incorporated in the design of any of the 
allowable activities listed in paragraphs (a) through (g) of this 
section (section 403(a)(5)(C) of the Act).
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