../plan.css"> The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Section II
Comprehensive Enforcement of EEO Laws


The agency is requesting a total of $310.4 million for fiscal year 2002, of which $233.4 million is for Comprehensive Enforcement of EEO Laws. This amount will fund a wide range of program activities required to meet our GPRA measures. This funding request is $7.2 million above the fiscal year 2001 appropriation. Of the $7.2 million, 84% or $6.067 will support base adjustments to maintain fiscal year 2001 staffing levels for three major programs: EEOC's private sector program, the state and local program and the federal sector program. Total resources to be deployed for each program and GPRA results expected are summarized below.

Private Sector Comprehensive Enforcement Program

This part of the agency's program covers our investigative and litigation activities nationwide. In fiscal year 2002, $205.8 million will be dedicated to our private sector comprehensive enforcement program, as well as outreach, education and technical assistance efforts to prevent employment discrimination in the private sector. Under the Comprehensive Enforcement Program (CEP), we have more effectively integrated prevention and enforcement efforts over the past few years, and they are carried out by the same staff. The prevention program is discussed in Section III, Prevention of Employment Discrimination.

Resources for fiscal year 2002 for the private sector enforcement program will support reduction of the year-end inventory by 6% and the accomplishment of the following GPRA results:

State and Local Program

A total of $30.0 million will be dedicated to the State and local program in fiscal year 2002 to fund the resolution of dual-filed charges by Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPAs) and other prevention efforts with FEPAs and Native-American Tribal Employment Rights Organizations (TEROs), including the accomplishment of the following GPRA results:

Federal Sector Enforcement Program

The federal sector enforcement program includes the results achieved in fair, efficient and effective hearings and appeals programs; agency reviews of federal agency compliance with regulations covering the federal program; and prevention programs to serve our employer and employee constituencies in the federal government. A total of $27.6 million will be dedicated to the federal sector enforcement and prevention programs in fiscal year 2002. The prevention program is described in Section III, Prevention of Employment Discrimination.

Resources requested for fiscal year 2002 will fund the accomplishment of the following GPRA results in the federal sector enforcement program:

Section II Discussion

The following subsections discuss in further detail EEOC's budget request and display GPRA measures for fiscal years 2001-2002 for the three program areas covered in Section II: the Private Sector Comprehensive Enforcement Program, the State and Local Program and the Federal Sector Comprehensive Enforcement Program. We have included in Appendix C-4 our Fiscal Year 2000 Annual Performance Report under the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA), which discusses our accomplishments in fiscal year 2000.

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This page was last modified on May 3, 2001.

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