USGS - science for a changing world

Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data

Alphabetical index of categories: C

a b C d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Number of information resources is shown in parentheses after each term.

Ca -> calcium (1) cadmium (3) calcium (1) calderas -> craters (1) mining camps -> mine sites (27) capturing (animals) (1) carbon-14 analysis (1) carbon dating -> carbon-14 analysis (1) catastrophes -> hazards (1) Categories (229) Categories (57) Cd -> cadmium (3) land use change (1) earth characteristics (213) land surface characteristics (1) baseline characterization -> field inventory and monitoring (82) chemical analysis (39) chemical element groups (2) chemical elements (15) soil chemistry (9) water chemistry (7) chemistry (Earth sciences) -> geochemistry (48) chromatography (2) chrome mines -> mine sites (27) chronostratigraphy -> geologic history (5) cienagas -> wetlands (1) clay deposits (1) cleavage (rock) -> fracture (geologic) (3) climate -> atmospheric and climatic processes (1) atmospheric and climatic processes (1) clines -> ecosystems (1) coal fields -> mineral deposit areas (19) coalfields -> mineral deposit areas (19) coal mines -> mine sites (27) bituminous coal resources -> coal resources (1) coal resources (1) subbituminous coal resources -> coal resources (1) specimen collecting (1) collection of specimens -> specimen collecting (1) collieries -> mine sites (27) comma-delimited text (15) comma-separated values -> comma-delimited text (15) commerce -> business and economics (1) population and community ecology (1) compaction (1) soil compaction -> compaction (1) rock composition -> rocks and deposits (52) computational methods (9) computer programs -> software (1) cones (geological) -> physiographic features (34) confluences -> streams (2) conodonts (2) conservation -> natural resource management (11) resource conservation -> natural resource management (11) dissolved constituents -> water quality (10) geologic contacts (7) contacts (geologic) -> geologic contacts (7) dissolved contaminants -> water quality (10) natural contaminants -> contamination and pollution (29) mercury contamination (1) toxic radionuclide contamination (1) toxic trace element contamination (4) contamination and pollution (29) oxygen content (water) (1) continental drift -> tectonic processes (2) contour lines -> topography (3) structure contours (1) copper (4) copper mines -> mine sites (27) core sampling -> drilling and coring (3) coring -> drilling and coring (3) drilling and coring (3) inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry -> atomic emission spectroscopy (11) ArcInfo coverage (5) craters (1) creeks -> streams (2) tidal creeks -> streams (2) crevasses -> physiographic features (34) cryology -> glaciology (2) crystallography -> mineralogy (2) crystals -> rocks and deposits (52) CSV -> comma-delimited text (15) Cu -> copper (4) culture and demographics (1) peat cutting areas -> wetlands (1) wilson cycle -> tectonic processes (2)

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Page Last modified: 15:41 on 06-Feb-2008