OCR: Office for Civil Rights
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U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights: Ensuring Equal Access To High-Quality Education

Revised September 2004

OCR's Technical Assistance Helps People and Institutions

The aim of OCR's technical assistance efforts is to prevent violations of the civil rights laws. This is accomplished by helping recipients comply with the laws and helping beneficiaries understand their rights. In view of the millions of students protected by the civil rights laws, OCR recognizes that its efforts alone are insufficient to stop illegal discrimination in education. Students, parents and educators must have the knowledge and skills to prevent illegal discrimination from occurring in the first place.

OCR provides assistance to enable institutions to come into compliance during the complaint resolution process or during a compliance review. In addition, OCR conducts a broad program of proactive technical assistance outreach through a variety of methods, including onsite consultations, training classes, workshops, meetings and participation in conferences. OCR also responds to inquiries and requests for assistance from other federal agencies, state and local education agencies, community groups, parents, students and the general public.

Many OCR offices have developed customer service teams to be more responsive to our partners, stakeholders and members of the general public. OCR has established a home page, http://www.ed.gov/ocr, which also is linked to the Department's Web site.

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Last Modified: 10/04/2005

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