OCR: Office for Civil Rights
   Current Section
Developing Programs for English Language Learners: Notices

Resource Materials for Planning and Self-Assessments



    These pages are based the November 30, 1999, Resource Materials with technical revisions through March 28, 2000

These materials are not intended to and do not add to or subtract from any otherwise applicable requirements contained in any federal or state law. Nor are they intended to describe all legal requirements that apply to ELL students. These materials are intended to provide suggestions that school systems may find helpful to address the issue of services for ELL students. The Office for Civil Rights does not require any school department, school district, or school to make use of these materials.

Materials cited herein are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not specifically endorsed or approved by the Office for Civil Rights. Permission to reprint this public domain publication is not necessary. However, if the materials are reprinted, please cite the source and retain the credits to the original author or originators of any of the materials. For questions about reprinting materials in the resource list, contact the author or originators of the documents.


A special note of credit and appreciation goes to the staff of the Seattle Office (Team Seattle) of the Office for Civil Rights for their initiative and many hours of hard work in designing and developing these resource materials.

Our special appreciation is also conveyed to the following individuals for their generosity in reviewing many pages of draft materials and for their feedback, suggestions, and contributions to these resource materials: Cathy Fromme, and Helen Malagon, Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction; Molly Jo deFuentealba, Idaho State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction; Dr. Gary Hargett, Consultant; Mary Kernel and Lonnie Pithan, Northwest Education Service District; and Gene Sharritt, Terri Thurston, and Ishmael Vivanco, North Central Education Service District.

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Last Modified: 03/16/2005

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