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Photo of Basket Weaving

Economic Growth: Reactivation and Meeting the Needs of the Poor

USAID activities to promote economic growth and poverty reduction are focused in two areas: providing analysis and support for policy reforms that will improve the investment climate and create a policy environment conducive to growth; and expanding access to markets and services for small and micro businesses and producers.Click here for full text

Photo of Honduran Forest

Environment: Better Management of Watersheds, Forests, Protected Areas

USAID’s environmental efforts focus on improving sustainable management of Honduras’ natural resources. USAID provides assistance to NGOs that develop and implement management plans for protected areas and works with municipal governments to improve management of forests under their jurisdiction.Click here for full text

Photo of Honduran Citizens

Municipal Development: More Effective, Responsive Local Government

USAID funds a technical assistance program that helps municipal officials deal effectively with the demands and needs of their citizens. The nation as a whole benefits from the resulting increase in efficiency, reduction of the potential for municipal corruption and increased citizen participation in local government. USAID also supports municipalities in their national push for decentralization.Click here for full text

Photo of Honduran mother and child

Health: Sustainable Improvements for Families

USAID supports health programs that impact child survival rates, improve reproductive health and family planning, increase use of practices to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS, and improve prevention and control of malaria, dengue and tuberculosis.Click here for full text

Photo of Students at vocational center

Education: Improved Access to Basic Instruction, Vocational Skills

The USAID-supported program EDUCATODOS specializes in providing educational opportunities outside the traditional classroom setting. USAID also has taken an active role in the support of vocational education centers in Honduras and in the promotion of education reform efforts at the national level.Click here for full text

Photo of a justice statue

Democracy/Rule of Law: Stronger Institutions , Respect for Human Rights

The USAID-supported judicial reform effort in Honduras is laying the groundwork for greater respect for the rule of law and improved functioning of the judicial system, both essential elements of the democratic governance. With USAID assistance, the Judiciary has made important progress in improving institutional effectiveness.Click here for full text


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