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Frequently Asked Questions
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How can I contact the America Reads Challenge?

Write us:
America Reads Challenge.
U.S. Department of Education, 7th Floor
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-0107

Call us: 202-401-8888

E-mail us:

Fax us: 202-260-8114

May I reproduce an America Reads Challenge publication?

Yes, all U.S. Department of Education publications are in the public domain and may be reproduced without permission. In fact, we encourage you to share our resources with as many people as possible.

How can I order America Reads Challenge resources?

If you know the specific publication or resource you want:
Call toll-free: (877) 4ED-PUBS (877-433-7827).
Order online at:
If you aren't sure what resource is right for you, look through our resource descriptions for guidance. Call toll-free: (800) USA-LEARN for one-on-one advice.

What is the America Reads Challenge?

Recognizing that reading is the key to learning and that research shows that students unable to read well by the end of the third grade are more likely to leave school and have fewer good options for jobs, President Clinton issued the America Reads Challenge in 1997. The President asked all Americans to join in the effort to improve children's reading achievement. The America Reads Challenge stresses the importance of communities coming together to ensure all children read well. Everyone can join in the challenge whether it is volunteering to read with a child, participating in book drives, or supporting teachers and schools. See the Families, Communities, Educators or Colleges/Universities pages to see what you can do to take the challenge!

What does the America Reads Challenge offer?

We offer:

  • Free resources for parents, childcare providers, educators, tutors, community groups, and all concerned citizens. Resources include summer materials that help promote literacy during the months when children are out of school and most likely to fall behind.
  • Access to the latest and best research on effective literacy practices.
  • Information on how other federal agencies and organizations are helping to improve literacy, including the Corporation for National Service, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the National Institute for literacy
  • A network of committed organizations committed to helping children learn to read.
  • Periodic newsletter updates to members of the President's Coalition and colleges and universities committed to the challenge.

Why do we need The America Reads Challenge?

Research shows us that more than nine out of ten children can learn to read, yet national assessments show that a significant number of children are not reaching their reading potential. In fact, nearly four out of ten fourth-graders fail to achieve even partial mastery of the reading skills needed for school success. Only three in ten read at the proficient level or higher. The performance of poor and minority students is significantly lower than the national average. A landmark study of reading research, Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children, identified a number of ways we can help more children succeed in reading. America Reads helps families, child care providers, schools, and communities apply effective, research-based strategies to help every child learn to read, including English language learners and those with disabilities.

What is America Counts?

America Counts is an initiative at the U.S. Department of Education to improve student achievement in mathematics. Eligible college students who tutor children in mathematics can earn financial aid through the Federal Work-Study program. The members of the America Reads*America Counts Steering Committee of College Presidents recruit their peers to participate in both programs.

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