File parameters for Alaska Elevation data. Map: Projection Albers Equal-Area Conic First standard parallel 55 00 00 N Second standard parallel 65 00 00 N Longitude of central meridian 154 00 00 W Latitude of origin 50 00 00 N False easting 0 False northing 0 Spheroid parameters: Clarke 1866 Units of measure Meters Cell size 1,000 meters Center of pixel (1,1) ( -997000, 2422000) Number of lines 1,992 Number of samples 2,512 Header file None Header record None Data depth I*2 (16 bits) Number of channels 1 Albers meters for minimum bounding rectangle (X, Y): Upper Left (-977500 2422500) Upper Right (1534500 2422500) Lower Left (-977500 430500) Lower Right (1534500 430500) Geographic degrees, minutes, and seconds: Upper Left (179 51' 52" W 70 4' 39" N) Upper Right (115 59' 22" W 67 41' 51" N) Lower Left (168 36' 9" E 52 55' 0" N) Lower Right (131 35' 27" W 51 31' 53" N) Cell values: Cell values are the elevation (z) at each x,y location. It is a continuous variable with the units in meters of elevation above sea level. ocean = 0 min = 1 max = 5857