Events Calendar
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USTDA Sponsored Events
October 26-November 9, 2008 India Cold Chain Study Tour
November 8-18, 2008 EURO 2012 Airports Orientation Visit
November 17-18, 2008 India Coal Bed Methane/Coal Mine Methane Clearinghouse Kick-off Event
December 2-4, 2008 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) New Aviation Technologies Workshop II
February 2009 China Power Plant Emissions Monitoring and Control Technologies Orientation Visit
April 27-29, 2009 U.S. and Sub-Saharan Africa: Partners in Aviation Safefty and Security Conference
To Be Determined A Container at Rest is a Container at Risk: A Global Customs Initiative Training Workshop for Brazil

USTDA sponsors conferences and orientation visits to facilitate partnerships between overseas project sponsors and U.S. firms in meeting priority development needs. A hallmark of these events is the opportunity that they present for project sponsors and U.S. company representatives to meet one-on-one to discuss specific project solutions.

Agency conferences are held in the United States or overseas and typically bring together key decisions makers from several countries. Many U.S. companies find these events to be an efficient and effective means to identify available business opportunities.

Orientation visits bring key overseas procurement officials to the United States to learn about U.S technology and services that can help them to achieve their development goals. U.S. business briefings are built into the delegations' itineraries to provide opportunities for U.S. firms to hear directly from the visiting officials about their procurement needs.

USTDA contracts with a group of outside firms and organizations to coordinate the agency's conferences and orientation visits. Click here for a list of contractors that USTDA uses for these events.