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In support of FAO’s Member countries, the Animal Production and Health Division (AGA) designs and implements specific programmes and projects at country, regional and global levels.


In response to Member Country needs, AGA currently manages four major programmes, mainly funded through FAO’s core budget. These programmes are: the Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases (EMPRES), established by FAO’s Director General in 1994, the Global Rinderpest Eradication Programme (GREP), also established in 1994, and the Programme Against African Trypanosomiasis (PAAT), established in 1997 as an International Alliance combining the forces of FAO, the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the African Union/Interafrican Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) and the Implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources endorsed by the FAO Conference in 2007.


In addition to long-term, core programmes, AGA develops project proposals on topics it considers relevant, for which it seeks funding by the donor community. Presently AGA is implementing two large donor-funded projects in support of its core mandate: the Livestock, Environment and Development (LEAD) Initiative, a multi-donor project which focuses on the assessment and mitigation of the environmental impacts of the rapidly growing global livestock sector and the Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative (PPLPI), which promotes policy and institutional change in the livestock sector to promote poverty reduction. The PPLPI has established ‘subsidiary’ projects in sub-Saharan Africa (the IGAD-based Horn-of-Africa Livestock Policy Initiative initiated in late 2005) and in Asia (the South Asia Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Programme initiated in 2006).