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Puget Sound Basin NAWQA Study
U.S. Geological Survey
934 Broadway,
Suite 300
Tacoma, WA 98402

(253) 552-1600
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Water Quality in the Puget Sound Basin

Surface Water Studies

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Assess the quality of some of the more than 100 streams and rivers that discharge to Puget Sound and incorporate this information into the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) national assessment of water quality. Three major components include:

Retrospective Studies (1995)

Provide a first-cut analysis of general water-quality conditions within the study unit using existing water-quality data. Information on the occurrence and distribution of nutrients and pesticides in Puget Sound Basin streams was used to:

Fixed Station Water-Quality Sampling (1995-1998)

Eleven sites -- Thornton Creek in the Lake Washington basin and 10 stations in the Nooksack, Green, and Skokomish River basins-- are sampled at least once a month to:

Synoptic Sampling (1998)

Evaluate the distribution of an individual water-quality constituent or group of constituents over a geographically dispersed area. Two studies were conducted in 1998:

Low Intensive Phase Sampling (1998-2004)

Selected study sites are monitored during the low-intensity phase to obtain data necessary for future evaluation of long-term trends in water quality. Monthly water samples are collected at three study sites - Thornton Creek, Duwamish River, and North Fork Skokomish River.

For information about Surface Water in the Puget Sound Basin, please contact Sandra Embrey, Hydrologist, at (253) 428-3600 (x2644).

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