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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Hoary Cress
Leafy Spurge
Multitrophic Interaction

SB Root Maggot
Wheat Stem Sawfly

Fungal Controls
Grasshopper Ecology/Management
Mormon Crickets



Location: Pest Management Research Unit

Project Number: 5436-22000-013-11
Project Type: Reimbursable

Start Date: Jul 01, 2008
End Date: Jun 30, 2013

Conduct research with USDA/BLM on weeds that are problems on BLM lands. Weeds include saltcedar, yellowstar thistle, hoary cress, field bindweed, Canada thistle, leafy spurge and the knapweeds. The search for new biological control agents will be conducted by USDA/ARS/EBCL. Research on saltcedar biological control will be conducted by USDA/ARS Sino-American Biological Control Lab-China and by Exotic and Invasive Weeds Research Lab-Albany, CA. Insects cleared for use in U.S. Will be released and/or evaluated by ARS, Sidney, MT.

Exploration will be conducted in Europe, Eurasia, and China for insects and pathogens which show potential as control agents for priority noxious weeds. Once identified, the agents will be tested for host-specificity and efficacy. Tests on saltcedar and yellowstar thistle insects may be conducted in quarantine in Albany, CA. This is a long-term process, extending over three to six years for new agents. Once tests are completed on a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) list of plants, a report of the test results will be submitted to APHIS/PPQ and TAG. Agents approved for quarantine and/or release via quarantine will be collected and sent to the appropriate quarantine facility for processing. Cleared biological control agents will be released on BLM administered lands by ARS, Sidney, MT. Post-release monitoring for establishment and impact on the targeted weed species will follow these releases. All programmatic changes must be approved in advance by NPS.


Project Team
Gaskin, John
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Last Modified: 11/08/2008
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