This page is dedicated to serving the UL students who are involved in the with the EE-IR Center project. Here are examples of some of the activities taking place.

CS3 Concept-Set Structuring System [LJRT99]

The CS3 system is a rule-based information retrieval system designed to provide ranked output by associating Retrieval Status Values(RSVs) to textual documents. A rule-tree is constructed based on an input set of rules.

The system allows users to create and/or modify a rule base by providing an interface in which a set of related rules are represented by an AND/OR tree. The edges in the tree can be assigned weights that reflect the degree to which the left hand side of an IF/THEN rule implies the concept in the right hand side. This system can be used both for setting up canned Boolean queries and Concept Based Retrieval. The software is written in a way that it can be added on as a top layer to an existing Boolean Search Engine. Our current efforts are in the direction of demonstrating our ideas in the context of DOE's InfoBridge. The software is implemented using a Java applet.

CS3Power Point Presentation

Slides Database Management System (SDMS)

This system manages the slides database of the National Wetland Research Center (NWRC). This work represents a reengineering of the system that was used before. The current system, unlike its predecessor, can be accessed using an Internet browser.

Each slide in the database is described by a set of keywords/formatted attributes. By using those keywords in queries, the system allows users to search the Slide Database. A user friendly interface is also provided to support other functions such as insertion and editing.

Perl, CGI and MS-Access are used to implement the system. It has access controls to where scientists can propose changes to descriptions, but only library personnel can make the actual updates.

<>Online access to Slides Database Management System:

<>Power Point Presentation on Slide Database System

Web to Bayou Periodical Index (WBPI) [ELR98]

The system enhances the search capabilities of legacy internet resources (e.g. old-style pre-existing resources developed prior to the advent of more modern methods). Two approaches are modeled and implemented. The first approach uses structured databases and the other approach uses HTML documents enhanced with content tags that are managed by the Isite retrieval engine.

Both implementations enable users to specify search terms in particular fields of the resource in order to obtain only that small portion of the resource that match the specified search field values. The URL below is for the approach based on creating a structured DB. We use Pro-C, CGI programs and Oracle DB.

Aerial Photography Index System

The Aerial Photography Index System includes a search engine that allows an Internet user of the RAC's aerial photography website (file:///V:/Program%20Files/Apache%20Group/Apache2/htdocs/ to search for aerial photographs by place name, by longitude and latitude, or by the photograph's roll and frame number. The development of the search engine entailed the development of an internet link to the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) developed by the Census Bureau and maintained by the USGS to retrieve the geographic coordinates for place name specified in a user query. The system uses a metadata file with the corner coordinates for each frame of aerial photography to determine the match between coordinates returned by the GNIS and the aerial phtographies stored in our website. Future plans include the development of a map based search interface that will allow the user to click on an area of a map and retrieve the photography covering that region, along with the capability to retrieve all frames of aerial photography within an arbitrary region that a user can sketch.

Multiple demonstrations of the Aerial Photography Indexing System have been provided to the USGS-National Mapping Division, Louisiana Geographic Information Council (LAGIC), USGS-National Wetlands Research Center, Louisiana State Foresters Annual Meeting, Eros Data Center, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, and at the 15th Annual Louisiana Remote Sensing/GIS Workshop. In accordance with the Aerial Photography Index System, the EE-IR Center's GIS Specialist has developed metadata for the aerial photography within the system. These data are then served online with the photographs via the EE-IR Center metadata repository.

Java and CGI are used in the implementation of the Aerial Photography Index System.

<>Power Point Presentation on Aerial Photography Indexing System

Meta-Data Conversion system

The Metadata Converter/Crawler System is designed to translate  metadata from the Federal Geographic Data Committee standard to the  MARC21 and XML/RDF standards (with an ISO mapping coming in a later stage of development). The importance of conversion lies in producing a standard representation for heterogeneous metadata formats to enable better classification quality and search performance for Web content management. By extracting the semantic content of the metadata records and transforming it automatically into other formats, our process greatly increases the value of the original, high quality resources. In addition, our system builds in a mechanism for tracking and managing online linkages back to the original full metadata record by way of persistent uniform resource locators. Once records are registered with our converter, they are then indexed automatically with a web crawler for inclusion in our global metadata search engine. Taken as a whole, our system is a comprehensive alternative to the existing Z39.50-based FGDC Clearinghouse model managed by the U.S. government. The system is implemented using C, Java, and CGI.

Online access to the Converter

Power Point Presentation for Meta-Data Conversion System

Web to Database System(WDB)

The system is an enhanced version of a general purpose tool for linking tables in a relational database system to the Web, for searching via standard Web browsers. NWRC has two bibliographic databases stored as a MiniSQL DB that are provided Web access by means of this software: Wetlands Values Database and Duckdata, a waterfowl and wetlands information database. The user-interface has been enhanced to allow more versatile query specifications. Also, some update functions are added. WDB was written in Perl.

Catalog Acquisition and Search Tool (CAST)

This is a search engine for electronic product catalogs on the internet. The system is designed and developed to access multiple catalogs from multiple distributors of a given class of products. It is assumed that the critical information that needs to be indexed appears in an HTML document in a tabular form. The needed catalog pages are downloaded to our site and enhanced by the (automatic) insertion of content tags. This downloading is carried out by our own extension of a public domain spider, called the MOM-Spider.

Flexible searches of the catalogs are made possible by using the Isite retrieval engine called ISITE, which is capable of exploiting the content tags that have been inserted into the HTML catalogs. We also enhance ISITE with a concept based retrieval capability (using ideas described  in the CS3 project). Most of the programming or software modifications we did involves the Perl language.

Content-based Image Retrieval(CBIR) [ChRa97a, ChRa97b, ChRa97c]

An Image Retrieval System that enables the retrieval of images by content. Depending on the color contents of the query image, the system retrieves images that are closest to an image from the database chosen as the query. The goal of this work is to improve the efficiency of content based image retrieval by using what we call an Estimated Distance, rather than the more expensive Real Distance that users would prefer to adopt. The improvement in efficiency will yield the benefit that the system can deal with an image database consisting of a very large number of images. The current demo shows that, for a chosen small collection of images, the Estimated Distance based on color indeed allows the user to find the images in the "right" order. Java and CGI are used to implement this system.

Personalizing the Web Page of EE-IR center

NWRC is developing an organization-specific portal that channelizes information from various information resources. Users accessing the EE-IR center's Home page may be interested in displaying only parts of the information contained in some channels (sub-channels).

In this system, we provide a tool that is used to tailor different views of the information on EE-IR center's Home page. The tool is enhanced with an interface that allows those users accessing the EE-IR center's Web page, to personalize and customize the layout and channels/sub-channels of the information provided by the EE-IR center.

The system is implemented using Javascript, Pro C, CGI, and Oracle.

Power Point Presentation:

Project Management Tool

Project Management Tool is a web based tool that lets users track progress of various projects. It is fully integrated, web-enabled tool that helps in efficient monitoring of the projects and searching for the details of a single or multiple projects. The functionalities of this tool includes browsing through the existing projects, searching by the fields of team members or project title or date, adding new project, and updating the information for each project. This software helps in project planning, tracking the projects, and multi project management. Security is provided through limited access for searching/browsing the data, and adding information to the projects.

Detailed and timely updation of each project's information helps in keeping track of the team members involved, the status of the project, the location, implementation ideas, software used and the summary of each project. Further advantages of this tool can be in analyzing the project progress versus the initial planning. It can also helps in assigning the resources to the projects, and depending on a person's availability reschedule the person to a different project.

C and CGI are use to implement the system.


S. K. Choubey and V. V. Raghavan. Generic and fully automatic content based image retrieval architecture. In Proc. of the 12th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Charlotte, NC, Oct. 1997. document.

S. K. Choubey and V. V. Raghavan. Generic and fully automatic content based image retrieval using texture. In International Conf. on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology, pages 228--237, Las Vegas, NV, June- July 1997. document.

S. K. Choubey and V. V. Raghavan. Generic and fully automatic content-based image retrieval using color. Pattern Recognition Letters, 18:1233--1240, Nov. 1997. document.

M. C. Erie, S. M. LeBlanc, and V. V. Raghavan. Enhancing search capabilities of legacy internet resources. In InForum 98- Science at the Desktop: Synergy through Sharing, Oak Ridge, TN, May 1998.

F. Lu, T. D. Johnsten, V. V. Raghavan, and D. Traylor. Enhancing internet search engines to achieve concept-based retrieval. In InForum'99-Improving the Visibility of R & D Information, Oak Ridge, TN, May 1999.


Last modified: 13 November 2002,   by Judy Buys