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Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS)

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Web page for the CEOS activities at the USGS EROS Data Center (EDC)
CEOS addresses co-ordination of the satellite Earth observation programs of the world`s government agencies responsible for civil Earth observation (EO) satellite programs, along with agencies that receive and process data acquired remotely from space. CEOS is made up of three Working Groups one devoted to Information Systems and Services (WGISS), one to Calibration and Validation (WGCV), and one to Education, Training and Capacity Building (WGEdu).

One contribution that USGS is making to CEOS is the maintaining of a Data Purge Alert web page. This service will provide a forum for agencies or organizations to announce their intention to purge a dataset. Use of this service will allow interested researchers the ability to contact the party purging the dataset to determine if their organization may want to obtain and maintain it.

The USGS CEOS / WGISS Pamphlet
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader. (PDF 144KB)
The CEOS - NSLRSDA Footprint WMS

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Last Update: Nov 29, 2005
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