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V005 MODIS Monthly Vegetation Indices 1km QA Science Data Sets

The QA information below is excerpted from the Quality Science Data Set within an HDF-EOS MYD13A3 file.  Additional information may be available in the MODIS Aqua Vegetation Indices file specifications available on-line at


A summary Quality layer has been included in the MYD13A3: “pixel reliability.”  This layer contains ranked values describing overall pixel quality (Table 1 below).

Because evaluation of V004 data collections revealed insignificant differences between the Quality assignments for NDVI versus EVI, the V005 MYD13 products include a single Quality layer pertinent to both indices (Table 2 below), rather than one layer for each.  This reduces data volume as well as user confusion with multiple Quality layers.

TABLE 1:  MYD13A3 Pixel Reliability

Rank Key Summary QA Description
-1 Fill/No Data Not Processed
0 Good Data Use with confidence
1 Marginal data Useful, but look at other QA information
2 Snow/Ice Target covered with snow/ice
3 Cloudy Target not visible, covered with cloud

TABLE 2:  MYD13A3 VI Quality

Bit 0 is the least significant (read bit words right to left)
bit Long Name Value Key
0-1 MODLAND_QA 00 VI produced, good quality
01 VI produced, but check other QA
10 Pixel produced, but most probably cloudy
11 Pixel not produced due to other reasons than clouds
2-5 VI usefulness 0000 Highest quality
0001 Lower quality 
0010 Decreasing quality
0100 Decreasing quality
1000 Decreasing quality
1001 Decreasing quality
1010 Decreasing quality
1100 Lowest quality
1101 Quality so low that it is not useful
1110 L1B data faulty
1111 Not useful for any other reason/not processed
6-7 Aerosol quantity 00 Climatology
01 Low
10 Average
11 High
8 Adjacent cloud detected 1 Yes
0 No
9 Atmosphere BRDF correction performed 1 Yes
0 No
10 Mixed Clouds 1 Yes
0 No
11-13 Land/Water Flag 000 Shallow ocean
001 Land (Nothing else but land)
010 Ocean coastlines and lake shorelines
011 Shallow inland water
100 Ephemeral water
101 Deep inland water
110 Moderate or continental ocean
111 Deep ocean
14 Possible snow/ice 1 Yes
0 No
15 Possible shadow 1 Yes
0 No

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URL: http://LPDAAC.usgs.gov/modis/qa/myd13a3_qa_v5.asp
Technical Contact: LPDAAC@eos.nasa.gov
Last Update: Tuesday, June 05, 2007
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