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Suren worked with the USAID-funded GER Initiative to find jobs for family members. Now she is working with GER Initiative business advisors to start a family business of her own. Photo: Khorolsuren Dalantai/GER Initiative Partners

Chemonics International is a global consulting firm promoting economic growth and higher living standards in developing countries. With offices on five continents and over 2,000 employees, we are one of the world's largest firms focusing exclusively on international development. From business to finance, governance to health, we help our clients make decisions that better people's lives. []

CHF International's mission is to be a catalyst for long-lasting positive change in low- and moderate-income communities around the world, helping them to improve their social, economic and environmental conditions. In Mongolia, CHF is implementing a Business Development and Employment Services Program, which also has a strong association development component. []

International Republican Institute
The International Republican Institute, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization, supports the growth of political and economic freedom, good governance and human rights around the world by educating people, parties and governments on the values and practices of democracy. In Mongolia, IRI currently works directly with the Mongolian Parliament, the State Great Hural (SGH), and political parties to strengthen democratic institutions and political processes. The current program focuses both on the parliamentary system and on political party organization. []

Mercy Corps
Mercy Corps Mongolia supports rural communities to mobilize resources to meet their economic and social needs, and by extension, to provide a better quality of life for rural residents. Over the past five years Mercy Corps has established a strong organizational structure and reputation in six aimags of the Gobi region, and is currently expanding operations into an additional five aimags.[]

National Center for State Courts (NCSC)
The mission of NCSC is to improve the administration of justice through leadership and service to state courts, and courts around the world. Through original research, consulting services, publications, and national educational programs, NCSC offers solutions that enhance court operations with the latest technology; collects and interprets the latest data on court operations nationwide; and provides information on proven "best practices" for improving court operations. NCSC disseminates information to state court leaders on key national policy issues, and helps advocate their policies with Congress as well as supporting several prestigious national organizations. The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) opened an office in Ulaanbaatar in April 2001. Since the program's launch, NCSC has worked closely with Mongolian counterparts in the justice sector to achieve a number of successes. []

Pact has been working in Mongolia, in partnership with Mercy Corps International since 1999 developing and supporting information systems and services for economic growth and development in the Gobi Region. The Gobi Regional Economic Initiative, funded by USAID, works with leading representatives of herders, business, government, media, and nongovernmental organizations to create an environment conducive for business and entrepreneurial activity. The initiative also focuses on strengthening the skills and knowledge of enterprise operators and herders to enable them to respond effectively to market conditions. []

Texas A&M University
2126 TAMU
Dept. Rangeland Ecology & Management
College Station, TX 77843-2126
Phone: 979-845-5548

Wildlife Conservation Society
PO Box 485, Post Office 38
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Phone: +976-99-829253