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Publications Listing

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Recently Published Articles

  • Ackleh, A.S., Allen, L.J.S., and Carter, J., 2007, Establishing a beachhead; a stochastic population model with an Allee effect applied to species invasion: Theoretical Population Biology, v. 71, no. 3, p. 290-300 [URL].

  • Allain, L., 2007, Coastal prairie restoration information system: version 1 (Louisiana): U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 256 [URL].

  • Anderson, T.M., Metzger, K.L., and McNaughton, S.J., 2007, Multi-scale analysis of plant species richness in Serengeti grasslands: Journal of Biogeography, v. 34, no. 2, p. 313-323 [URL].

  • Baldwin, H.Q., Grace, J.B., Barrow, W.C., Jr., and Rohwer, F.C., 2007, Habitat relationships of birds overwintering in a managed coastal prairie: Wilson Journal of Ornithology, v. 119, no. 2, p. 189-197.

  • Barnhardt, W.A., Denny, J.F., Baldwin, W.D., Schwab, W.C., Morton, R., Gayes, P.T., and Driscoll, N., 2007, Geologic framework of the Long Bay inner shelf; implications for coastal evolution in South Carolina: Coastal Sediments 2007, New Orleans, La., May 13-17, 2007, Proceedings, 13 p., CD-ROM.

  • Barras, J.A., 2007, Satellite images and aerial photographs of the effects of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on coastal Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 281 [URL].

  • Barrow, W.C., Jr., Fontenot, B., Barrow, M.H., DeMay, R., and Muth, D., 2006, Vanishing before our eyes; Louisiana cheniere woods and the birds that depend on them: Thibodaux, La., Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program, 28 p. [URL].

  • Bothner, M.H., and Butman, B., eds., 2007, Processes influencing the transport and fate of contaminated sediments in the coastal ocean—Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1302, 89 p. [URL].

  • Broussard, L., 2007, Welcome to the National Wetlands Research Center Library; not just another library—a special library: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2007-3028 [URL].

  • Broussard, L., 2007, Welcome to the National Wetlands Research Center Library; successful research begins @ your library: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2007-3033 [URL].

  • Butman, B., Dalyander, P.S., Bothner, M.H., and Lange, W.H., 2007, Time-series photographs of the sea floor in western Massachusetts Bay, version 1, 1989-1993: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 265 [URL].

  • Chan, L.-H., and Hein, J.R., 2007, Lithium contents and isotopic compositions of ferromanganese deposits from the global ocean: Deep Sea Research II, v. 54, no. 11-13, p. 1147-1162 [URL].

  • Clark, C.M., Cleland, E.E., Collins, S.L., Fargione, J.E., Gough, L., Gross, K.L., Pennings, S.C., Suding, K.N., and Grace, J.B., 2007, Environmental and plant community determinants of species loss following nitrogen enrichment: Ecology Letters, v. 10, no. 7, p. 596-607 [URL].

  • Drake, D.L., Altig, R., Grace, J.B., and Walls, S.C., 2007, Occurrence of oral deformities in larval anurans: Copeia, v. 2007, no. 2, p. 449-458 [URL].

  • Gibbons, Helen, and Barnard, P.L., 2007, Sand waves at the mouth of San Francisco Bay, California: U.S. Geological Survey General Information Product 54, postcard [URL].

  • Grossman, E.E., Stevens, Andrew, Gelfenbaum, Guy, and Curran, Christopher, 2007, Nearshore circulation and water column properties in the Skagit River Delta, northern Puget Sound, Washington—juvenile Chinook salmon habitat availability in the Swinomish Channel: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5120, 96 p. [URL].

  • Handley, L., Altsman, D., and DeMay, R., eds., 2007, Seagrass status and trends in the northern Gulf of Mexico; 1940–2002: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5287, 267 p. [URL].

  • Haydel, J., and Thibodeaux, C., 2007, Tired of searching endlessly for coastal wetlands resources? The U.S. Geological Survey’s National Biological Information Infrastructure can help: Challenges of Natural Resource Economics and Policy, National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, 2nd, New Orleans, May 20-23, 2007, Conference Program/Abstracts, p. 27 [URL].

  • Hein, J.R., Zierenberg, R.A., Maynard, J.B., and Hannington, M.D., 2007, Barite-forming environments along a rifted continental margin, Southern California Borderland: Deep Sea Research II, v. 54, no. 11-13, p. 1327-1349 [URL].

  • Middleton, B.A., 2003, Temperate freshwater wetlands of Asia, the Pacific, Central and South America; climate change and other threats [abs.]: Environmental Future of Aquatic Ecosystems, International Conference on Environmental Future, 5th, Zurich, Switzerland, March 23-27, 2003, Abstracts, 1 p. [URL].

  • Morton, R.A., Goff, J.R., and Nichol, S.L., 2007, Impacts of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami on the southwest coasts of Sri Lanka: Coastal Sediments 2007, New Orleans, May 13-17, 2007, Proceedings, v. 2, p. 1061-1074 [also on CD-ROM].

  • Owens, A.B., Proffitt, C.E., and Grace, J.B., 2007, Prescribed fire and cutting as tools for reducing woody plant succession in a created salt marsh: Wetlands Ecology and Management, v.15, no. 5, p. 405-416 [URL].

  • Pham, L., Boudreaux, S., Karhbet, S., Price, B., Ackleh, A.S., Carter, J., and Pal, N., 2007, Population estimates of Hyla cinerea (Schneider) (green tree frog) in an urban environment: Southeastern Naturalist, v. 6, no. 2, p. 203-216 [URL].

  • Polgári, M., Hein, J.R., Tóth, M., Vigh, T., and Bíró, L., 2007, Did hydrothermal fluids contribute to the huge Úrkút manganese ore body?: Goldschmidt Conference, Cologne, Germany, August 19-24, 2007, abstracts volume, p. A801 [URL].

  • Poppe, L.J., Ackerman, S.D., Moser, M.S., Stewart, H.F., Foster, D.S., Blackwood, D.S., and Butman, B., 2007, Sedimentary environments and processes in the vicinity of Quicks Hole, Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts [abs.]: Eos (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 88, no. 23, Joint Assembly supp., abstract OS23B-07 [go to URL and search on “ackerman”].

  • Tiersch T.R., Yang H., Jenkins J.A., and Dong Q., 2007, Sperm cryopreservation in fish and shellfish, in Roldan, E.R.S., and Gomendio, M., eds., Spermatology (Society of Reproduction and Fertility supplement 65): Nottingham, U.K., Nottingham University Press, p. 493-508 [URL].

  • Tyler, D., Zawada, D.G., Nayegandi, A., Brock, J.C., Crane, M.P., Yates, K.K., and Smith, K.E.L., 2007, Topobathymetric data for Tampa Bay, Florida: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1051 [URL].

  • USGS National Wetlands Research Center and Bill Wilen, 2007, Landscape change processes on the deltaic Gulf Coast, in Council on Environmental Quality (U.S.), Conserving America’s wetlands 2007; three years of progress implementing the President’s goal: Washington, D.C., Executive Office of the President, Council on Environmental Quality, p. 10 [URL].

Publications Submitted for Director's Approval

  • Cochran, S.A., Benthic habitat maps of the south Moloka‘i coral reef, chap. 9 of Field, M.E., Cochran, S.A., Storlazzi, C.D., and Logan, J.B., eds., Atlas of a fringing coral reef, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i—natural processes and new threats to the longest fringing reef in the Hawaiian chain: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report.

  • Draut, A.E., Bothner, M.H., Reynolds, R.L., Field, M.E., Cochran, S.A., Logan, J.B., Storlazzi, C.D., and Berg, C.J., Supply and dispersal of seasonal flood deposits in Hanalei Bay, Kaua‘i, HI, USA; implications for coral-reef ecosystems [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Fla., March 2-7, 2008.

  • Ellis, M., Evan, R.L., Hutchinson, D.R., Hart, P.E., Gardner, J., and Hagen, R., Electromagnetic surveying of seafloor mounds in the Gulf of Mexico: Marine and Petroleum Geology, special issue on U.S. Department of Energy/Joint Industry Project (DOE/JIP) science results.

  • Fisher, M.A., Scholl, D.W., Geist, E.L., Sliter, Ray, Wong, F.L., Reiss, Carol, and Mann, D.M., Forearc structure near the epicenter of the April 1, 2007, megathrust earthquake (Mw 8.1) and tsunami in the Solomon Islands arc [abs.]: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., December 10-14, 2007.

  • Fregoso, Theresa, Foxgrover, Amy, Jaffe, Bruce, and Tomlin, Vanessa, Understanding sediment deposition, erosion, and bathymetric change in central San Francisco Bay [abs.]: Biennial State of the San Franciso Estuary Conference, 8th, Oakland, Calif., October 16-18, 2007.

  • Hart, P.E., High-resolution marine seismic reflection profiling; systems and capabilities [abs.]: Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La., November 27-December 1, 2007.

  • Jaffe, Bruce, and Foxgrover, Amy, Will restoration of salt ponds in south San Francisco Bay cause erosion of intertidal flats? [abs.]: Biennial State of the San Franciso Estuary Conference, 8th, Oakland, Calif., October 16-18, 2007.

  • McGann, Mary, Benthic foraminifera identify source area of earthquake- and storm-induced turbidite events, Monterey Submarine Canyon, California [abs.]: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colo., October 28-31, 2007.

  • McGann, Mary, Distribution of modern foraminifera in San Francisco Bay estuary (1961-1981); baseline before the Trochammina hadai Uchio introduction [abs.]: Biennial State of the San Franciso Estuary Conference, 8th, Oakland, Calif., October 16-18, 2007.

  • Normark, W.R., McGann, M.L., Paull, C.K., Ussler, William, III, and Keaten, Rendy, Tsunamigenic potential of sediment accumulations at submarine canyon mouths, Santa Monica Basin, offshore southern California [abs.]: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colo., October 28-31, 2007.

  • Paul, V.J., Ritson-Williams, R., Walters, L.J., Kuffner, I.B., and Becerro, M.A., Comparisons of chemically mediated marine plant-herbivore interactions on Florida, Caribbean, and Pacific reefs and consequences for reef communities: Japan-U.S. Seminar on Marine Natural Products, July 2007, Park City, Utah.

  • Paull, C.K., Normark, W.R., Ussler, William, III, Caress, D.W., and Keaten, Rendy, Association among active seafloor deformation, mound formation, and gas hydrate growth and accumulation within the seafloor of the Santa Monica Basin, offshore California: Marine Geology.

  • Paull, C.K., Normark, W.R., Ussler, William, III, Caress, D.W., and Keaten, Rendy, Morphological expression of gas hydrate growth and accumulation within the seafloor of the Santa Monica Basin, offshore California [abs.]: International Conference on Gas Hydrates, 6th, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, July 6-10, 2008.

  • Pederson, Jean, and Collins, B.D., Engineer profile, in Educational handout for middle school students: WGBH, Boston Public Radio and Television.

  • Piniak, G.A., and Brown, E.K., Seasonal variability of in situ chlorophyll fluorescence of back reef corals in Ofu, American Samoa: Marine Biology.

  • Wilson, A.M., and Ruppel, Carolyn, Salt tectonics and shallow subseafloor fluid convection; models of coupled fluid-heat-salt transport: Geofluids.

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Tar Seeps in the Santa Barbara Channel

California Sea Otter Count Reaches New High

Outreach Upcoming! "A Tale of Two Kelp Forests" Public Lecture

MIT Students Tour USGS Woods Hole Science Center

Coastal-Hazards Research Featured in First USGS Podcast

Meetings Scientists Meet Managers at Coastal Zone 2007

Airborne-Lidar Technology and Applications Workshop

Awards USGS Hydrologist Honored for Outstanding Community Outreach

Staff Upcoming! New Vice President of Pacific Section SEPM Helps Plan Fall Field Trips


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Updated September 10, 2007 @ 05:21 PM (JSS)