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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter IV  

Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of Labor



Part 452  

General Statement Concerning the Election Provisions of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959




Subpart G  

Campaign Safeguards

29 CFR 452.69 - Expenses of campaign literature.

  • Section Number: 452.69
  • Section Name: Expenses of campaign literature.

    Each candidate must be treated equally with respect to the expense 
of such distribution. Thus, a union and its officers must honor a 
candidate's request for distribution where the candidate is willing and 
able to bear the expense of such distribution. However, should the 
candidate be unable to bear such expense, there is no requirement that 
the union distribute the literature of the candidate free of charge. In 
the event the union distributes any candidate's literature without 
charge, however, all other candidates are entitled to have their 
literature distributed
on the same basis. Since labor organizations have an affirmative duty to 
comply with all reasonable requests of any candidate to distribute 
campaign literature (at the candidate's expense), a union rule refusing 
all such distributions would not be proper, even though applied in a 
nondiscriminatory fashion. In view of the fact that expenses of 
distribution are to be borne by the candidate a labor organization may 
not refuse to distribute campaign literature merely because it may have 
a small staff which cannot handle such distribution for all candidates. 
If this is the case, the organization may employ additional temporary 
staff or contract the job to a professional mailer and charge the 
expense incurred to the candidates for whom the service is being 
rendered. The organization may require candidates to tender in advance 
the estimated costs of distributing their literature, if such 
requirement is applied uniformly.
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