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Staff & Center News

Getting to the CORE of Ocean Sciences—Admiral West Discusses Pew Oceans Commission Report at USGS Office in St. Petersburg, FL

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Rear Admiral Richard D. West, U.S. Navy (retired), visited the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies in St. Petersburg, FL, on January 25. He is currently the president and chief executive officer of the Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education (CORE). His seminar, titled "A View of the Oceans—the View from Washington, DC," discussed the importance of the Pew Oceans Commission report and its recommendations for future Federal investments in marine research, technology, and education. The report suggests a whole-ocean approach to marine policy, based on sound science and a strengthened scientific infrastructure, to sustain the oceans and their valuable resources for future generations. The Pew Oceans Commission report, "America’s Living Oceans: Charting a Course for Sea Change" (available from the Pew Ocean's Web site), indicates that the health of the world's oceans and coastal regions is at risk. Admiral West highlighted efforts that CORE is making to raise awareness of how important the health of our oceans and coastal waters is to the future of our country. An example of these efforts is the National Ocean Sciences Bowl® (NOSB®), a national academic-competition program created by CORE to raise interest, understanding, and awareness in students about the Earth’s ocean systems. As Admiral West said, "a scientifically literate and engaged public will be able to move forward with renewed vision for our oceans." On February 12, the USGS supported CORE and Admiral West's mission by participating in the Spoonbill Bowl, a regional-level competition within CORE’s National Ocean Sciences Bowl® (see related story in Outreach section, this issue).

Related Web Sites
National Ocean Sciences Bowl
Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education (CORE)
Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education (CORE)
association of U.S. oceanographic research institutions
Pew Ocean Commission
Pew Charitable Trusts

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Second Tsunami Causes Damage in Indonesia

Why Wasn't the Second Tsunami Larger?

Assessing Tsunami Impacts in the Maldives

Research Giant Flume Used to Study Bedform Morphology

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Meetings Tampa Bay Study's 4th Annual Science Conference

Awards Coral-Reef Researcher Wins Prestigious Award

New Nematode Named After USGS Scientist

USGS Biologist Recognized by National Park Service

Staff & Center News CORE CEO Discusses Pew Ocean Commission Report

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)