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SO12: Improved Livelihoods in Selected Areas

Despite rapid urbanization, more than half of Nigerians still live in rural areas and farm for a living. Agriculture provides a precarious livelihood, marked by declining productivity, environmental degradation, limited use of yield-enhancing inputs, and poor market linkages. Farmers and rural entrepreneurs are not served by financial institutions and have little access to financial services such as savings and credit that would help their enterprises to grow and diversify. Nigerian agricultural commodities such as cocoa and rubber are no longer competitive in regional or international markets. Post-harvest losses are high, appropriate processing and value adding technologies are not readily available, a commercial orientation is lacking and market information is unreliable. Production gains have been made by expanding the cultivated area, rather than through increased efficiency, putting the remnants of the natural resource base at risk. Private sector growth is constrained by a poor enabling environment, the erosion of Nigeria’s competitiveness, poverty, and marginal growth in Nigerian markets.

SO12 will increase the productivity of selected commodities, and the number of value-added commodities and products, build a more commercial and competitive orientation among farmers and small entrepreneurs, and improve the policy environment. Low productivity, a weak business culture, and lack of market opportunities are binding constraints that the SO will address. SO12 will also support the goals and objectives of the presidential Initiative to End Hunger in Africa (IEHA), and the Agency’s agriculture and trade development strategies. Success in achieving the SO will be measured by increases in volume and value of selected commodities and products and the revenues and income that they generate.