


The Astrogeology Research Program is a team of over 80 research scientists, cartographers, computer scientists, administrative staff, students, contractors, and volunteers working to support the efforts to explore, map, and understand our solar system. Fields of particular interest are mapping, planetary geologic processes, remote sensing and monitoring, and scientific analysis. These quests to find answers to our questions about our solar system not only lead to a greater understanding of our neighboring planets, but of our own planet, Earth.

Astrogeology Research Program - program information, publications, images, maps, news, research, missions, and more

Meet the People of Astro - biographies and photos of a few of the folks who work to support space exploration missions, study the Solar System, and create maps of the planets

Earth Surface Processes

The western region of the United States is the most geologically active and varied part of the country. The role of the team is to provide the geologic information to aid in understanding the interactions among humans, plants, animals, air, water, soil, and rock on the Earth's surface. The team is composed of geologists, geophysicists, paleontologists, and support personnel located in Flagstaff and throughout the western states.

Western Earth Surface Processes Team - projects, activities, maps, news, and geologic information

Of Particular Interest...

National Geologic Map Database - Geoscience resource for maps and related data about geology, hazards, earth resources, geophysics, geochemistry, geochronology, paleontology, and marine geology. Several members of the Flagstaff Science Center contributed to the development of this service.

USGS Western Region Geology - Geologic research and activities throughout the western United States.