USAID Lebanon: From the American People


Male worker bends down towards grain coming out through mill equipment.

Local Agricultural Cooperative Generates Income from Feed with USAID Funding

March 6, 2008

As part of the USAID-funded Landmine and War Victims’ Assistance program in the district of Jezzine, an animal feed mill was established in the village of Azour. The feed mill’s purpose is to cater for the needs of project beneficiaries by ensuring quality animal feed at affordable cost. The cooperative buys raw materials from the local market and processes them in the feed mill – taking into account the right mix for various agricultural needs, facilitates access to feed at a competitive price, controls feed quality and generates income to the cooperative through sales in various villages throughout the district. During the month of February 2008, the cooperative’s income from selling both poultry and goat feed alone reached more than $15,000.


Funded by USAID since 2001, the landmine and war victims’ assistance program is implemented by the World Rehabilitation Fund (WRF), in partnership with the Development Cooperative in Jezzine. The program assists disadvantaged and disempowered landmine and war survivors in their quest for livelihood, dignity, financial independence and self-determination. The program provides income-generating activities to its beneficiaries through raising chickens for egg and broilers production, beekeeping for honey and beeswax production, herb cultivation for essential oils production and goat raising for meat and milk production.


The “Bi-Weekly Photo” is a product of U.S. Embassy Beirut to highlight the U.S. Government's development, relief, reconstruction, and humanitarian assistance to Lebanon. For more information, visit the Embassy’s website at

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