USAID Lebanon: From the American People


Two female employees work in with spreadsheets in front of a laptop computer.

Water Establishment Improves Financial Practices

November 1, 2007

With USAID funding, employees at the South Lebanon Water Establishment are receiving technical assistance on new financial methods as part of the Lebanon Water Policy Program (LWPP). The program developed a Financial Cost Recovery software program for the Establishment to better monitor its revenues, expenses and cost recovery. This tool will also allow the Establishment to grow into a viable entity with both capable management and technical staff. The LWPP program provides continuous supervision and on-the-job training to the employees who are responsible for the update of the financial model. 

LWPP is a six-year program implemented by Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI) for a total budget of $5.3 million. The program's objective is to help Lebanese water establishments solve their institutional and technical problems and provide high quality services to their customers, with the ultimate purpose of attracting investment.

"Photo of the Week" is a product of U.S. Embassy Beirut to highlight the U.S. Government's development, relief, reconstruction, and humanitarian assistance to Lebanon. For more information, visit the Embassy’s website at

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