USAID Lebanon: From the American People


Before and after photos of the Nahr Al-Shita Bridge in Lebanon.

Rebuilt Bridge Re-establishes Link between Villages in Western Bekaa

June 25, 2007

The U.S. Government finished rebuilding the Nahr Al-Shita Bridge in the Western Bekaa’s Markaba region in May 2007. The bridge, situated on the Litany River, is an important link between villages. It was destroyed during last summer’s conflict.

With people and their products traveling easily to markets again, the area’s economy will receive a needed boost. The new bridge will also encourage villagers who left during the conflict to return to their homes.

The bridge is one aspect of a larger program to repair canals, bridges, culverts and the Qasmieh/Ras El-Ain pumping station on the Litany River. The damage sustained during the conflict interrupted water flowing to orchards, destroying the agricultural season. About 43,000 people in 20 villages will benefit from the repairs. The work is being funded under the United States’ $2.6 million Humanitarian Assistance to Lebanon program, carried out by CHF International in close cooperation with the Litany River Authority.

"Photo of the Week" is a product of U.S. Embassy Beirut to highlight the U.S. Government's development, relief, reconstruction, and humanitarian assistance to Lebanon. For more information, visit the Embassy’s website at

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