USAID Lebanon: From the American People


Photo of man showing about 10 women and men how to prepare and handle a head of cabbage.

Trainers Prepared to Teach Safe Food Handling Techniques

July 12, 2007

About 40 trainers from across Lebanon attended a course in food handling and quality control sponsored by the U.S. Government. The course covered topics ranging from harvesting techniques and food safety to market preparation. The trainers are now qualified to train others in the techniques, spreading the know-how throughout the country.

U.S.-trained Lebanese engineers delivered the course. It is part of  a two-year, $8.3 million USAID program to strengthen agriculture, create jobs and bring more income to rural areas in Lebanon. It is carried out by CHF International. To date, more than 8,000 farmers, exporters, students and retailers have benefited from the program.

"Photo of the Week" is a product of U.S. Embassy Beirut to highlight the U.S. Government's development, relief, reconstruction, and humanitarian assistance to Lebanon. For more information, visit the Embassy’s website at

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