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Design For Fish Passage at Roadway - Stream Crossings: Synthesis Report


Dr. Rollin H. Hotchkiss and Mr. Christopher Frei are the primary authors of this document. Their work was guided by Mr. Bart Bergendahl, Senior Hydraulic Engineer, Central Lands Federal Highway Division. Significant and invaluable discussion, review, and input were provided by two review committees.

Federal Highway Administration Technical Advisory Committee

Andrzej ("Andy") Kosicki Maryland State Highway Administration
Marcin Whitman California Department of Fish and Game
Mark Miles (deceased) Alaska Department of Transportation
Michael Furniss United States Forest Service
Robert Gubernick United States Forest Service
Scott Jackson University of Massachusetts
Bryan Nordland National Marine Fisheries Service
Charles Hebson Maine Department of Transportation

Federal Highway Administration Review Team

Larry Arneson Resource Center, Hydraulic Engineer
Eric Brown Resource Center, Hydraulic Engineer
Mark Browning Resource Center, Hydraulic Engineer
Paul Garrett Resource Center, Hydraulic Engineer
Mary Gray Office of Environment, Environmental Specialist
Scott Hogan Federal Lands Highway Division, Hydraulic Engineer
Kevin Moody Office of Environment, Environmental Specialist
Jorge Pagan Office of Infrastructure, Hydraulic Engineer
Melissa Schnier Federal Lands Highway Division, Environmental Biologist


This document is dedicated to the memory of Mark Miles for his interest in promoting and preserving fish passage at roadway-stream crossings and his many overall contributions to the hydraulic engineering community. He is and will always be remembered as a valued source of knowledge, experience, and reason in his profession. His friendship, candor, and leadership will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

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Bart Bergendahl
Federal Lands Highway

This page last modified on 10/31/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration